Twd 9 the walking dead fan fic

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Daryl, Shane and I scouted our section of the woods, the side east of the RV, while Rick and T-dog searched the west. The only sound audible was our voices calling out for Sophia. The sun sunk down to the horizon, kissing the edge of the earth. We decided to head back. Rick and T-dog had already returned and Carol frantically approached us as we reached the road, hoping to see a fourth member walking back with us. Tears welled up in her eyes. She darted to the RV, shutting the door behind her. We all gathered outside of the RV, lounging in the lawn chairs that scattered throughout the perimeter of overturned cars. Silence crept over the group. "We can look tomorrow, for now everyone get some rest," Rick announced, breaking the dead air.

Everyone rose to their feet and retreated to their cars. Tents were taken out and thrown together across the littered highway. When I had entered the RV, Carol was sitting at the table, staring out the window into the void landscape. She turned her head to the sound of my footsteps, and returned to her thoughts. I laid on my bed, still dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and torn jeans. I glanced over at Carol, the moonlight reflected off her skin, revealing the emotions seeping out of her. I just sat there, unable to put the right words together. Finally I spoke. "Carol, we're going to find her. She's out there I know it. The walkers didn't hurt her, we killed 'em. We're going to look all day tomorrow, I'll even look for days straight until we do. Just promise me to keep your head up. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I know what you're going through right now. I still don't know where my family is. I just want you to stay strong, and if you need to you can sleep here." Carol rose from the table and plopped down next to me. She extended her arms out and wrapped me tightly in a hug, weeping into my shoulder. I patted her on the back, letting out soothing hushes. I peered at the door to see Daryl and Merle walking in. I brought my finger to my lips. They just nodded and nested in the doorway. Carol pulled back and managed a weak smile. She told me she would just spend the night alone in her car. "If you need me I'm here," I called out as she exited the RV. I laid back down on my bed. Jonathan had ran in right after Carol left and crashed on the bed, out like a rock. Daryl and Merle climbed on the top bunk. I had fallen asleep to the sound of the wind whistling in through the cracked window.

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