Twd 7 the walking dead fan fic

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When the morning sun crept over, everyone gathered at the breakfast table. Rick stood tall, searching for the proper moment to speak. "Guys, I'm not so sure it's safe here. I mean look what just happened. I think we should head to the coast, try our luck there." His voice was scratchy, holding onto all his feelings. Not one word was said after he spoke. It's not like we could disagree, because why would we want to stay here? Everyone dispersed from their seats and packed up what they could.


Carl approached me. "Ciara do you think I could ride with you? I want to sit with Jonathan. Sophia wants to come too." "Sure thing kiddo," I responded with a smile. I patted his back and he took off, racing to the jeep. Glenn had come up to me asking if he could ride along with us. I, of course, said yes. An hour passed and everyone was locked and loaded, ready to go. Dale lead the RV in front, taking us who knows where. Whenever we rode along the Georgia roads, I thought about my aunt and uncle, if they were still out there. After several miles the RV slowed to a halt. "What's going on?" Dale shook his head, "The damn thing's overheated again." Panic rushed through everyone's mind. The one time we decided to take a busier road, we get stuck. Cars littered the street, blocking the path ahead.

Everyone emerged from their vehicles, circling the RV. Rick decided while we're here we should scavenge what we can. Jonathan, Sophia and Carl stayed together in the jeep while the adults went to search for supplies. Daryl and I decided to search cars at the same time, figuring it would be faster. One car made my heart rise to my throat. A baby seat was strapped into the back of the car, blood and brain matter displayed everywhere. I backed away, horrified. Daryl rushed over and wrapped me in his arms, attempting to calm me down, but to no avail. We continued searching when I caught a glimpse of the terrifying scene unfolding. I noticed Rick and the others laying under cars and Dale laying prone atop the RV, clutching his rifle as a hoard of walkers slowly maneuvered throughout the cars. I propped myself on top of a tire to see the 3 kids squished in the jeep, buried under the blankets I had left in the backseat. Thank god they were out of sight. I whispered, fear creeping it's way in my voice, "Daryl, get under the truck, quick." Without questioning, he ducked away under the semi truck. I joined him, due to the fact we couldn't squeeze under any of the other cars that were nearby. He sent me a puzzled expression and I just brought my finger to my lips. I figured he understood why we were hiding when several bloodied legs crept by us. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly.

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