t h r e e

53 3 0

*Warning: there is swearing*

"Dialogue like this is in Japanese"

"Dialogue like this is in English"

The alarm goes off earlier than I remember setting it too, but I won't complain. That just means I'll have an earlier start to job hunting. Hopefully I'll be able to work somewhere close by and wont need to catch a bus or anything.

I turn of my alarm and start to get out of bed to get ready for the day. My outfit can't be too much or too little, I can't have anyone thinking I don't care enough, but I also don't want to be doing too much, you know?

About twenty minutes are spent on actually picking something out to wear and I've finally decided on just a simple skirt and shirt, and when I say simple, I really do mean the most simple thing ever. Just a pink and white shirt and pink skirt to match.

After that everything else gets done fairly quickly. My teeth are brushed, my hair is in a side braid and I'm wearing light natural makeup since I decided to not be lazy with it. Honestly I would wear makeup more often but I don't usually have the motivation to do so.

It's actually only about an hour since waking up that I leave the house, so that's not too bad on time actually. Now I can dedicate most, if not the entire day, to getting a job. Now it's just a matter of finding places hiring.

I should also probably go for somewhere I won't have to deal with people too much, since I'm not as fluent as I would like to be. Or at least somewhere they would be okay with having a non-native speaker working.

That's when I remember the bathhouse. That might be a good place to work, I mean I could probably just do a lot of cleaning up and stuff. Yeah that would be pretty nice, I think I'll head over there first.

Surprisingly the walk to the bathhouse is only around five minutes, which is really great if I can work here. I'll only have to take in to account the weather since I'd be walking there. It doesn't seem like it gets too busy, now that I'm actually here.

Opening the door, the silence can only agree with my thoughts. All I can really hear is someone chopping wood. Looking around I don't actually see anyone either, I wonder where all the workers are.

I've apparently spoken too soon though. Someone come crashing in through the door, a few others following. Luckily I wasn't standing too close
otherwise I would've been hurt in that mess.

Suddenly the boy who crashed into me at the park is going to grab something, I'm assuming to be for a bath, and he's holding..... A pink wombat. What the hell? Maybe he wasn't lying after all.

That's beside the point though, what is he doing here? Does he actually work here or something? Or is he actually a criminal-

"Oh, it's you! The girl from the park! Look this is wom-san!"

Can you tell my heart isn't in it? :/

I just want to be able to get this done for you guys, since so many of you seem to like it.

Hope it wasn't too bad, I'll try to get a better chapter in next update. 


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