Mirror Mirror

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Louis POV

It was the morning after our get together with Niam and Harry was still fast asleep in my bed... I would have to wake him soon to send him back to his room so we wouldn't get caught.

Our parents had found out already about us when they caught us holding hands one evening during family movie night and after a night of screaming and Harry crying in his room they accept it as long as we followed basic rules and were respectful about it. 

But today I felt weird, like a warm and fuzzy feeling that chicks rave about after watching lifetime movies. I stood there in the bathroom, splashing and rubbing my face with cold water as I preped myself to shave. Just as I grabbed for the shaving cream my eyes caught their own reflection in the mirror causing my whole face and then body to shift upwards. 

I examined my own body for the first time in i don't even know how long. I starred at my waist line, my profound V lines that Harry's hands rested perfectly on during the night.... my toned stomach and chest. I had my usual scattered tattoos that just seemed to be apart of my skin and then my face.

Starring down at my phone I unlock is searching through my pictures to before I came across an old picture of me with my thugish friends..I hold it up next to my face in the mirror.

"I'm so different already!" I whisper

The almost stranger in the picture is just a distant memory... the want and need to rebel against a society that the whole time was on my side is now gone. I have lietrally only focused on one thing for a whole four months now... Harry.

I jump from my zone and run into the bedroom jumping on the bed and scooping up my limp boyfriend, holding him close and rocking him back and forth.

"i love you i love you i love you i love you...." I whisper over and over until his perfectly green eyes catch hold of mine...

Harry's POV

He is desparate... i have no idea what is going on or how i am awake but Louis is holding me saying he loves me over and over and practically crying.

Cupping his face in my palms I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs before pulling him into a light kiss... but not for long.

He picks me up slightly and shifts me into the bed laying me down and positioning himself on top of me. His kisses become more breathy and sloppy as he works his way down my jawline and to my bare chest...

small moans escape my mouth as his lips leave their mark down my trail and to my boxers... his hands tugging and palming. 

"FUCK!" I scream, i just can't help myself he makes me so hard!

Louis fingertips edge into my boxers and finally I know it's time... this is it! Our first time...

Louis pulls and massages my length causing my breath to hitch with every pump... his lips intake my tip and his tongue swirls round and round then over.... his hands holding firmly onto my balls as his mouth moves there too. His clothes didnt last too long after that.

Louis enters me,  pulses inside of me just as he starts to move ina dn out and faster with each thrust. We are both so close now, so soon and I don't know how long I or he will be able to last. All that’s coming out of his mouth are these little breathy moans and his name is playing on repeat in my head. My hands grab Louis’ bum, pushing and pulling him in closer, begging Louis to fuck him harder and faster.

I lay on my back, ankles locked behind Louis’ back, arms thrown around his neck, scratching down his hardened back looking for something to hold on to because the way Louis is moving inside of me, its just to much.

The bed is creaking, headboard banging loudly against the wallbut all I can hear is Louis panthing in my ear where his head is pressed against mine. Finally lou reaches down and takes my length in hand, pulling in quick strokes until I am coming, vision going black, my whole body seazing up, hole clenching tight around Louis  pushing him over the edge at the same time.

Louis' body crashes down next to mine and he pulls me and the blankets close to him, wrapping me up and nuzzling his face into mine.

"I love you haz, thank you for changing me for the better" He whispers

"I love you to Boobear... but what do you mean I 'changed' you?"

" I was looking in the mirror today and I realized how much I have changed since coming here four months ago and its all because I am so crazy about you and i am so in love with you that being a badass rebel dosen't matter anymore... only my future with you matters." Louis words tear me up, he is just so sweet for a tough guy!

My eyes dry on his chest as I feel my weak body rest into a peaceful sleep. In his arms, my own heaven.

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