A Trip To See The Circus

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Chapter 22

A/N: Ahh, so so sorry for that really really overdue chapter. But, just a disclaimer, I have not read the new Dark Continents arc at all, so, if I get some details wrong, I apologize. Please do not spoil it for me.

Hisoka's finally bringing me to see the damn Troupe. When we get there, he forces me to use Zetsu, probably another childish prank or trick he wants to do to annoy everyone. I can clearly hear some of the other members cursing Hisoka's name for being late, of course he's late, I roll my eyes.

"Oya, oya oya." Hisoka finally speaks up from just around the corner of where the Phantom Troupe are waiting. "That sounds quite gruesome. How very scary."

"Hisoka you bastard!" A deep voice angrily calls while another one is higher pitched and perky, "You're late!" I hear the pink haired girl's voice next. "Man, I thought you weren't going to come."

"You asked me to come." Hisoka says with an arm flourish. "Had I not come, I wouldn't have seen your nen stitches again." The perky voice speaks again.

"Chief, everyone's here."

"Wait, a moment." Hisoka interrupts. Is this my que or something? Hisoka didn't tell me what I should do, I just hope they don't kill me right away, although dying by the hands of a phantom troupe member would be awesome! "I brought a new pet along."

"Dammit Hisoka you are so infuriating! I am not your pet, don't you dare call me that again!" I storm out from the shadows and punch him in the arm.

"My, oh, my, so very violent. You should learn to control yourself in front of others." Hisoka speaks calmly. Everyone's eyes are on me, and every single one of the other members are on high alert. Eventually, the voice from the shadows speaks up. He must be the leader, his voice is silky.

"And who is this that you brought Hisoka? You do very well know that this a secret, and the punishment for betrayal is worse than death." Did he really not warn any of them? How big of a troll is he?

"Sorry, Chief." Although Hisoka doesn't sound very sorry. "This poor child begged me to bring her here, and being the kind soul I am, I just had to comply." His sarcasm reaches levels of hell when he smirks.

"We should kill them both!" The largest of them shouts.

"I could use a little practice on my torture." A quiet voice whispers.

"I don't see the problem having another pretty girl here." A tall blonde character mutters.

The leader clears his throat and everyone becomes silent. "Let the girl speak for herself. Who are you?"

"Me?" I question and then immediately want to bang my head against the wall. Of course he's talking to me. I am the only new one here. "Um.." I stutter for a bit. What's wrong with me? Is it nerves, or the fact that I can feel 10 people's bloodlust aimed towards me. "My name's Skyler. Um. Skyler Katoh." The leader is quiet for a moment, thinking, before he speaks again.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't have you killed right now." I start to sweat a little. I might be powerful, but I stand no match again the Phantom Troupe, especially when I have no preparation.

"You see, I, um, have been a big fan of your work for a while. Plus, I kinda, sorta, would like to join. That would be awesome. Also, even if you wanted to kill me, it really isn't my fault, so you should kill Hisoka since he brought me here. Or, I could even kill Hisoka, if you'd like me too." Hisoka's eyebrows raise. "Really, it's up to you, but it wouldn't be a smart choice." My voice settles into a darker more serious tone. "I have a lot to offer, and I'd be more than happy to prove it." 

The leader thinks for a moment. "Okay." There is an uproar of mumbling from the rest of the troupe. "Let me finish." And it's quiet again. "First of all, I called you because we shall take the underground auction's treasure."

There is some talk between the members. Books? Gems? Video games? The leader speaks again. "Everything." He finally steps forward and I can see him clearly. He's young with a cross on his forehead and two marble like things on his ears. An interesting style, but who am I to judge. "We will be taking everything that's up for auction." A wave of excitment and surprise washes through the crowd.

"Are you serious, chief?" The largest guy exclaims. "The underground auction is run by gangs from all over the world. If we do that, we'd be making enemies of all of them..."

"So, you're afraid?" I ask simply. He turns toward me, and I can see I angered him.

"How dare you, you pesky little girl." He looks like he wants to kill me, but grins widely instead. "I'm thrilled. I'm shaking with excitement." He turns back to the chief. "Give us the command, chief! Right now!"

"You have the right." I can see the intensity in the leader's eyes. "To kill them." He gives a slight smile. "To kill anyone who interferes." The big guy gives a shout that rakes through the entire building.

"And added rule, one that I wasn't expecting but is necessary. At all times, someone, besides Hisoka, must have their eyes on our added addition." He looks directly at me and I smile at him. "At any time you deem her a threat to us, you may kill her as well."

A/N:  Sorry for the short chapter, I wrote just under a thousand words which isn't normal at all.  But that's all I've got for now.  Sorry if it's boring.  And Sorry that with 33 K words I have failed to write even a lick of a love story.  UGHHHH I fail at writing fanfiction.     

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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