How to sink slowly-chapter 14

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There is only one thing I can say, Thank god for Connor Ball..... and Brendon Urie.... Connor Ball had taken me to a Panic! At The Disco concert. Best 'Don't freak out it'll all be okay' gift ever.  I'd thought about that night for the past 6 days, the sweet kiss, the tears, how it meant so much to me, but maybe it meant nothing to Tristan. I hated it. The only things keeping me sane band practices, peanut mm's, hang out sessions with Chade and of corse my time with Connor. Con may have been the youngest in the house, but he was a smart kid He knew how to help me out, plus he was the only one who knew about the kiss, not even Skipp knew.

"Split, you need to stop freaking out okay? If it was meant to be, it'll be. Don't go doing something you'll regret later. Keep your head clear," He tried to rationalise with me. I almost immediately pulled my laptop onto my lap. I began typing straight away, the first thing that came into my head, 'flights to Venice'  Con moved himself around so that he was sat behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him. "I really should try to talk you out of this, but I know it's useless. Let me know if you want help packing," He said, kissing my forehead and leaving me in peace.

I book a fight, for two days time. I was going to stay for a week and a half, by myself, just to explore somewhere new and get away from everything here. This place was starting to drive me mad. I had Tristan being Tristan and Brad being Brad and I was recording an EP and writing an album and it was all catching up on me. If I didn't get away soon I was going to do something really stupid.

So I was going to leave London for a while, and only tell Connor where I was going.....not a stupid idea at all.


I think I fell in love. How can a city be so beautiful? Is this place even humanly possible? But like they get around on boats. BOATS! How cool is that?

Venice was making me really happy, there was no drama, no worries, no stress. It was just what I needed. I didn't even have to think. I love not having to think. I'm really good at it.

No thinking...until I got an email...from Tristan....with the subject 'YOU NEED TO COME HOME IT'S AN EMERGENCY' I let out a deep sigh as I opened the email.

"Dear Split,

I don't know where you are right now, and I don't know why you left, but I know that you need to come home. We had to rush to the hospital yesterday. Connor yelled at James yesterday, 10 minutes later Jedd found him passed out on our bathroom floor. I don't think any of us knew, I really hope that you didn't know. Connor hasn't slept for over a week. I never really noticed, but now that I'm looking for it, I can see how dull his eyes became. The doctors said that he's lost close to 15 kilos in around two weeks. They think that Con might have depression.  They don't understand how hard it is to hear that your little brother might have depression. Con doesn't deserve that, he never hurt anybody.

He woke up, and he told us that he wanted you to come home. He's worried about you Split, so am I. I don't know where you are, or why you're there, but we need you to come home. What ever you're running from, it's time to come home and face it. We need you here.

I can't promise you that things here won't be broken, but it'll be a hell of a lot better with you here. Please come home Split, for Con. He really needs someone right now. He wants you here. I want you here. We need you back. Please. Just come home.


I took all of this time out for myself, and I left Connor. I left him when he needed me most. I needed to get home. So I booked the soonest flight, for 2 hours time. That was to long. I needed to get home to my little boy. Why did I leave in the first place?

A/N- awww poor con erm 2 comments before the next actually..

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