Rush-chapter 5

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It was the morning before. Because tonight the whole group of us were going to stay home and 'bond' because apparently that is what house mates do, they bond. The sun shone threw and reflected off of the dew that sheilded the orange and brown leaves that had so kindly falled to the ground. As I rolled out of bed I heard shuffling coming from the hallway. Brad.

As I walked out he was throwing on a shirt as his tooth brush dangled from his foam covered lips. Brad's curls were in a sleepy mess and his eyes were still dark. "Morning," He smiled in his husky morning voice. I smiled in reply as he dodged his head back into the bath room to spit out the remaining paste.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as we walked into the vacant kitchen. Brad looked at me, knitting his eyebrows together before replying, "I guess they went shopping for tonight," He shrugged, offering me a cup of hot tea as he did so. I took it, using it to heat my hands before taking a few sips.

"They went to get alcohal," Responded a familiar voice from behind us. Tristan stood against the door frame, wearing nothing but his checked blue boxers. Leaving his pale and slim body on full display, and I must say, he was more muscular then I had imagined. And I had imagined a decent body.

---------------------------Tristan's P.O.V....later that night---------

The way the alcohal burnt my throat made me feel alive, more then anything else in my life ever has. The way it made everything, it all just gave me a rush, even if I didn't need a rush when I was surrounded by 7 of my friends. The night had bearly began and already we had cracked into an asortment of beverages. I think the acohal that was in my system managed to make her more stunning then she already was, here glowing eyes sparkling so brightly and her smile brightening everything.

She turned to me and I dropped my gaze instantly, trying to cover up my blush with a smirk. "So have you guys been writing any new songs lately, wild heart was great!" She asked sweetly, it was more then a open question then anything else. Brad smiled widely at her and she grinned back, and I hated him for it, because I knew he wanted her, and I knew Brad always got what he wanted. "Yeah, I'm working on a new song, and I've got the verses down but the chorus is just missing something right now," He shrugged, giving her a half smile. She shot us an excited glance, sitting up a little straighter, "Can I hear what you have for the chorus?" She asked, tilting her head so all of her hair fell one way. Brad nodded at her quickly before running of to grab his guitar. And the second he opened his mouth I saw the looks of admiration in her eyes and I knew I had no chance as he sang, "Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy, but they're the only friends that I have. I know I don't know you, but I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, that's all I have to say so baby can we dance?" He finished as he shot her his winning smile. "It's just missing something at the start you know?" He asked, trying to act cute and innocent infront of her.

She took a swig from the bottle of whiskey she was holding before smirking into a reply, "Well take notes, because I talk a lot of shit when I'm drinking babe, and I'm known to talk a little to fast," She said with a wink. I almost jumped out of my seat as I yelled, my voice a little more slurred then I planned. "That's it!" I yelled, grabbing Brad's guitar from him and strumming the chords as I sang, "I talk a lot of shit when I'm drinking baby, I'm known to go a little to fast. Don't mind all my friends I know they're all crazy, but they're the only friends that I have. I know I don't know you but I'd like to skip the, small talk and romance. That's all I have to say so baby can we dance?" And the smile on her face when I sang that was unmatchable. I could see the happiness in her eyes and it made me happy.

It made me want to kiss her until I couldn't breath anymore, but I knew that I couldn't so I slumped back down and watched Brad try to flirt his way into her heart, and I knew he would too, I really did.

A/N- What do you think?! From Tristan's P.O.V? atleast 1 vote before the next chapter! And I mean it this time!

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