June 23, 2014

7 0 1

*trigger warning*
*trigger warning*
*trigger warning*

@calum5sos can you guys so ask if @hornymalum is okay?

June 23, 8:04 am

@hornymalum guys I'm fine I promise

June 23, 8:16 am

@calum5sos ilysm Taylor, please don't do anything stupid.

June 23, 8:23 am

@hornymalum I'm sorry I can't make any promises

June 23, 8:27 am


I started down at my laptop look at all the comments, some are positive say thing like 'OMG' 'you're so pretty' 'you're goals'

But the hate comments are powering over all the positive ones saying thing like 'you're so ugly' 'kill yourself' 'you don't deserve calum' 'your disgusting'

I started down at the last one with tears in my eyes 'go cut yourself, your just a waste of air' and that's exactly what I did. I ran over to my dresser and pulled out a black box with 2 emergency blades in it, my mom found out about the other ones and flushed them. I lined the blade up at my wrist and sliced, I did that about 6 more times and watched the blood go down my arm, then I moved the my other and and just cut until there was no room left. I put my blade away and went to the bathroom to wash off my cuts and bandage them.

I then walked back into my room, "shit" there blood on my carpet, I walk downstairs to get some carpet cleaner and clean it up, just as I'm putting the cleaner away my moms comes home from work. I say hi to her and walk back up to my room.

~~~~~~in the DM's~~~~~~~~~

@calum5sos: Taylor!!

@calum5sos: TAYY

@calum5sos: taylornator

@hornymalum: the hate sucks so much calum

@calum5sos: I know babe, I'll do something just try your best to ignore it

@hornymalum: it's hard, I found that the difficult way.

@calum5sos: omg did you hurt yourself?

@hornymalum: ... I'm sorry

@calum5sos: it's okay babe:-) just please try not to do it again.

@hornymalum: I'll try my best

@calum5sos: just remember ilysm


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