Chapter 3: Betrayed is an Understatement.

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"Dad she's not ready to be Alpha, let me be Alpha, Damon rejected her, do you think she can handle that? SHE'S A GIRL! SHE'LL BREAK DOWN CRYING ALL THE TIME!" Matt argued with my father.

"You're right, maybe we could talk about this with her, you know convince her to hand the title down to you, I mean I've always wanted you to be Alpha, since you're second in line anyway" My father said in a confident voice.


I heard my mother growl.

"You're not taking this away from my daughter!" She half whispered, half yelled.

"How about me mom?" Matt whined.

My mom then grew silent.

"It's not like anyone missed her here anyway, we were better off without her!" Anastasia growled.

Anastasia was always a bitch, no matter how much I loved her. But the fact that Rossie, and Paige said nothing, not even my own mate stood up for me is what hurt me most.

I dialed Cher's number and put her on speaker while I walked loudly down the stairs into the kitchen where everyone was sitting and discussing me.

As I entered, everyone grew silent and all eyes fell on me, but I paid no attention to anything but my phone.

"Morning dear" My mom smiled, but I ignored her while getting out some toast.

"CHER SPEAKING! WASSUP GIRL?" Cher said through the speaker.

By then everyone was listening in on our conversation.

"Nothing babe, you're on speaker though. But, when are you two getting here girl?" I smiled.

"First thing tomorrow at 9am! You'll meet us at the airport right?" She sounded excited.

"Yup! But can I ask you both a favour?" I asked hopefully.

"Can I move in with you two?" Everyone's eyes were now out of their sockets.

Before she could answer my father started yelling.

"Excuse me! You're not moving out anywhere young lady! I've had enough of you these past days!" My father roared as everyone snickered.

"Is this a bad time?" Cher asked.

"YES! IT’S A BAD TIME!" My father roared.

"Nope, it's a perfect time actually! I mean first my family say they don't want me around, that they want Matt to be Alpha, and that their better off without me but when I offer to leave, they say no just because they think I'm not happy" I smirked at all their faces when they found out I heard them.

"Your family and pack are pulling some snake movements eh? Your mom or none of your friends stood up for you either huh? But yeah, you could totally move in with us! But there's three of us, Josh is coming too, it was supposed to be a surprise!" She giggled.

Yes, I'm aware that she's on speaker, and that everyone can hear her, but I still don't care.

"The only three people I consider family anymore is you, Bella and Josh. But I can't believe Josh's coming too! YAAAAAAY! Living with you three will be so fun!" I said while getting up from the stool before I was stopped by my brothers.

"Listen Cher; tell Bella and Josh I can't wait to see you guys! But I have to go, bye love you!" I said before hanging up.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU SPOILED BRAT!" My brother yelled at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Who are you really yelling at right now?" I growled.

"You know what I was against challenging you, but now I wish I could kill you!" Matt screamed.

Drama? Not even close... Love?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin