Together For Ever

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OH AND GUESS WHAT! SOMEONE DIES :D YAYYYYYY Sorry not sorry :P You all asked for this so... Enjoy! :D

Weeks have gone by and FINALLY both Yugi and the Pharaoh are somewhat better. They cannot do much but at least they are up and going on what they need to do. Yugi held the Pharaoh's hand as they sat on a bench in the central park. 

"Are you tired?" Yami asked with a smile.

Yugi shook his head. "It's just so peaceful here. And quiet"


The ear bleeding scream of Yugi's annoying friend almost made him get up to slap her, but Yami had something else in mind cause he can no longer deal with the friendship speeches she so longs to say.

Yami got up to see Tea wearing the same FRIENDSHIP crop top and she was just dancing all around the park. Yami fixed his eyes on her and then BAM!
She collapsed onto the ground and well, no more Tea... Joey, who was there as well, stared at Yami and then back to Tea. 

"Did you just?"

Yami nodded.

"Oh. Okay. Carry on" Joey walked away.

Yugi stared at the Pharaoh and did not know what to say. 

Rip Tea. 


The Pharaoh and Yugi are now fully recovered from that tragic incident that had happen so long ago. And no one really cared for the Death of Tea (Sorry  not  Sorry)


"Okay so Pharaoh, all you gotta do is kick the ball into that goal, like this" Yugi kicks the soccer ball into the goal. 

The Pharaoh nodded and tried but missed. Yugi giggled at the failed attempt his friend made. 
Yugi fetched the ball placed it in front of the Pharaoh's foot. Yugi gotten close to fix the Pharaoh's position. Yami blushed. "Okay try again" Yugi said.

The Pharaoh kicked the ball and it went farther then the first time. 

"I did it!" he cheered happily. 

Yugi hugged Yami and ran to get the ball.

"So what do you want to do now?" Yugi asked. 
Atem sat in thought for a moment. He shrugged. 

*Even though everything has past, Yugi's soul is still tainted* The Pharaoh thought.

Yugi spun around. "We can go get something to eat" he suggested.

Atem nodded, "That sounds nice"

The two guys walked together towards the food truck and got a sandwich and a soda. They began to nibble on their food until it was gone. They have not heard from Joey, Tristan or Kaiba for awhile but they didn't really care. It was about time where they could finally talk about stuff instead of worrying about the fallen trying to consume or possess Yugi.

As time went on, Yugi became tired and he thought it was time to call it a day. Atem agreed and they both walked off together.

Yugi got into his Pj's and went to bed, leaving tons of space for the almighty Pharaoh to take. Atem fell asleep about an hour after Yugi and luckily they both had a very calm night and pleasant dreams. Forever, these two will always be at each others side, no matter what, their bond will never break.

Sorry this chapter was short but I think that's enough PuzzeShipping moments for now :P

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