Cuts and Scars

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Song: Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian -Battle Scars
It fits for whats about to come..If you could see in the title of the song...
I do not know why I did what I did but....Eh

As Yugi awoken from his slumber, he slowly got ready for school...Like usual he would take a shower and then brush his teeth. Once he was done, he stormed into his room and got dressed. He wore his normal attire which was a white T-shirt, his blue uniform jacket, and his blue jeans..

Yet, the more the days past by, the more his heart began to shatter.

His grandfather never really seemed to notice the strange behavior coming from his grandson, nor seem to really care. 

Yugi looked at the golden box that laid on his dresser. He stared at it for awhile...
He then kicked his foot on the floor and jerked away. He went to the drawer and grabbed something...
But..what? ._.

"Yugi! You are going to be late for school!" His grandfather said urgently as he walked into Yugi's room.
Yugi didn't turn to his grandfather, he just stood there silently. 
"Grandpa, do you mind getting me some napkins...I just made a mess..." Yugi muttered as he held the metal object in his hand.

His grandfather stared at Yugi for a moment and went to grab the napkins. Once he returned, his grandfather put them on the desk and walked back outside.
*That boy...Something is wrong but he won't tell me!* Solomon thought.

Yugi cleaned up the red liquid that was on his arm and on the floor. He threw away the used napkins and the metal blade. Yugi intended to do this to himself if he felt stressed or a memory appears that he wishes to forget.

Yugi took the last napkin and placed it on his arm. He grabbed his coat and school bag and walked to school...

Once Yugi got to his school he quickly walked to class. He noticed his beloved friends, Tea, Tristan, and Joey....
He quickly walked past them and went to his seat.

" Well class, today is our annual measurement day! " the teacher announced happily.

Yugi bolted from his seat, "But I thought that was next month!"
" It was but the school decided to move it today, please go into groups of 4 and we will go to the gym!"

As the teacher said this, all the kids have gotten into their groups. Yugi got up hesitantly and began to drag his feet towards his friends...

"Yugi feeling alright?" Tea asked worryingly.
Yugi nodded his head in response. 

The group walked down the hallway. Joey, Tristan and Yugi went to the boy's changing room while Tea went to the girls.

As Yugi was getting dressed into his gym clothes he overheard Joey on the phone..

"Ye, I've noticed that..."
"Okie..I will.."

Then it went dead silent.
Yugi hesitantly got out of the stall and peaked around the corner. He didn't notice Joey so he quickly ran out and hid his arms.

Yugi met up with Tea and Tristan. Quickly Yugi was called for his measurements...

" Hello Mr. Motou, come and stand on this scale and we will get your weight and height. " The man said and he pointed to the scale.
Yugi got on the scale and closed his eyes. "Alright Motou, now come here to get your height measured...!"
"Uh..what is my weight anyway?!" Yugi questioned.
"114, you are just about average my boy!" The man laughed.

Yugi finished his measurements and walked out of the booth.
"5'6 and a half and 114 lbs....I gotten a bit bigger..."

" YUGI!!! " A voice boomed out with rage.
Yugi jumped and now he was face to face with Joey.
"Wrists now, Yugi!" Joey roared.


"Your Grandpa called me and said dat you've been actin weird this mornin! He also told me dat he looked in your garbage bin and said that there were napkins with blood all over it! He also told me dat he found a strange object to!" Joey shouted.

Everyone stared at Yugi and Joey. Right away Tea and Tristan come darting in. 
"What's going on?" Tristan questioned as he stared at the now furious Joey.
Joey grabbed a hold of Yugi's arms and turned them upside down, exposing the jagged cuts going up his arm.

"What in the hell were you thinking?!" Joey screamed.
Tea gasped, "Yugi..Why?" Tristan sat there quietly, his jaw dropped and his eyes were wide open.

Yugi looked away.
" You're making a scene..I'll tell you later.."

"No! You tell me now!" Joey roared.

Yugi clenched his fists in frustration.

"You don't know what it's like to have someone close to you walk away like that...I know doesn't want this kind of behavior but ever since he left, my soul! Began to wither away..." Yugi explained coldly.

"Agh! I just want him to come back dangit!" Yugi shouted as he fell down on his knees and began to cry.

"I've lied about my feelings...Pretended to be happy..."

Joey stood there shocked. Tea began to softly cry and buried her face in Tristan's chest.

"Y....You don't know what it's like....To lose your other half....Like that.." Yugi cried.
"I've tried my best. I tried so hard! IT'S NOT FAIR!!"


Later that day, Yugi was sent home. He sat in his dark room all alone...
He regretted everything....

For a soul who was so pure. Full of laughter, joy, kindness....
Was now consumed in the land of sorrow, darkness..



Hope you guys liked this VERY BAD chapter...
Don't worry it'll get more better soon...Hopefully o-o

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