Chapter 18- Part two

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“It’s dark times for us Almira. We’re hunted and new to this world, I refuse to let them get to you again.” Something haunted was in his gaze and I leaned forward, gripping his hand gently on his lap.

“Why are you saying this to me?” I asked, my voice quiet, as if an enemy were hiding behind the curtain, waiting to snatch us away, to separate us again.

“Because I saw what those men were capable of. When you fight someone, you see emotions in their eyes, our fathers taught us to use that to determine their motives.” He stared back into the fireplace, his thoughts showing over his own. He breathed heavily, “These men held no emotions in their eyes, no compassion or even mercy. It was like staring into a hollow soul, as if the death of anyone would not faze them in the slightest. They will spare nobody in this war and our mercy will not be rewarded.”

I tightened my grip on his hand, forcing him to look at me. He seemed reluctant, an inner battle going on in his mind, but eventually, he gazed back. The silver of his eyes mixed with the amber from the fire as his jaw seemed locked in place, afraid to say anything else.

“We have an advantage of having emotions. They drive us forward and give us hope that we can help these people who have been in the shadows far longer than us. Our training wasn’t for fun, Tom. We were meant to complete the transition and bring justice to these people. This “Order” has tortured people with gifts and used them like puppets on strings. I know they have Papa and I’m going to help fight this war. I’ll do everything I can to help them, so don’t try to persuade me I should cower under a rock, because I bloody won’t.” My voice was final and from the look Tom gave me, he knew it as well.

He stood and leaned against the mantle, the position obviously comforting in some way, seeing as he was always stood like it when he was worried. He leaned against his hand and rubbed his eyes.

“Then I will do what I can as well. There is no way I’m allowing you to do this alone and I wont let you disappear again.” His voice didn’t show enthusiasm and I leaned back against the chair, letting the leather comfort me and think properly. The sound of his jacket sliding against his shirt brought my gaze back up to him. He was reaching to take something out of his pocket, as he pulled it out, the silver flickered in the flame-light and for a moment I thought it was a blade. As I focused I saw that it was a tobacco case, I jumped out of my chair as the patterns breathed into my memories. I walked up next to him and stared down at the object, my throat suddenly dry.

“How did you come by that?” My voice was hoarse and he looked up at me, his eyes wide and his gaze worried.

He swallowed, “Your father gave it to me the night before he disappeared, he told me that I should guard this until he returned. Before I could question why, he’d gone.” He held it out to me and I took it gently into my hands, my fingers tracing the patterns, the symbol engraved onto the top of it, the one from a book I’d read in papa’s library as a child. An hourglass with the sands half way, the center containing a small shield and finished with a sword driven through the entire image, it’s detail exquisite. I opened the compact up and it was empty of tobacco, the smell however still remained stained in the metal, the scent reminding me of him and his pipe.

I looked up and saw a faint smile on his lips, obvious happiness that I was happy to have some memory of him. “Why would he give it to you? I’ve only ever seen this tobacco compact once and it was only because he dropped it out of his pocket on the way out the door to a business meeting late at night, must have been an emergency.”

I stared down at the detail again, amazed still by it. The question was more to myself, my pride hurt that he wouldn’t trust his own daughter in his time of need to guard something. I handed it back, all of a sudden annoyed to be holding it. As I gave it to him, I dropped it down to his palm, only his mind was again thinking in deep thought, his concentration not in catching it as it slipped from his fingers and fell into the fireplace. I widened my eyes, gasping, not thinking as I dropped to my knees and plunged my hand in the fire, determined not to lose what could be my last memory of him. I screamed as my hand worked furiously to find it and the pain soared through my arm as I fought to grab it, to save it before it melted.

The metal brushed my fingers and I clutched it, feeling Tom yank my hand away and throw me onto the carpet, his shouting distant as he called for help, giving in and running to find it. I dropped the compact onto the carpet and clutched at my arm, looking down at the damage. The flames on my skin became agonizing for a moment before it stopped completely and the fire shot through my palm, rippling up my arm. The burns beginning to heal and sink into my skin, like a sponge to water. At the very center of my palm, a small flame continued to burn, only it didn’t shoot pain through my body, it didn’t spread, it merely stayed there, alight and in control. I stared in shock as I brought my hand up and stared.

The door flew open and Tom ran back in, Ray and Lucy on his heels as they searched the room for me. They stopped when they saw me and froze, staring openmouthed at my palm, at the flame flickering in my hand.

Ray clutched at his hair, “Jesus Christ! Look at your hand, what the hell?” He walked forward and kneeled in front of me, Tom joining him, as he never took his eyes away from my palm. Lucian and Michael stormed in then, Lucian seeing Lucy’s face and turning to see what the commotion is all about.

“What is all this racket….” His eyes stared at my hand, his jaw clenching and his gaze shocked, mirroring everyone else except Michael who walked over and smiled.

“That is so cool. How’d you do it?” He looked up at me and I shrugged. Words not seeming appropriate right now. I turned my hand and the flame stayed there, I closed my hand into a fist, hearing the sizzle of it extinguish before opening my palm and proving my suspicions, my palm now empty and not a mark in sight to prove I’d just plunged my hand into a fire.

                  Lucian inhaled sharply. “She needs to see Aries. He’s the only person that can explain this.” He stared into my eyes; fear now seeping into them as he looked to the rest of the group. “I’ve never seen this before.” The confession had an affect on him, his knowledge and intelligence something he prided in, the unknown almost scaring him. With that Lucy stepped forward, a confused smile on her face as she rested a hand on his shoulder.

“I’ll fetch the carriage.” With that she walked out of the room, her smile with it. 

*               *             *           * 

Why can Almira control fire? Who is Aries and will the symbol of the Tobacco case come back to haunt her? Soon the Order will find there enemy far more of a threat than first sought and Almira will never see what's coming for her....

Stay tuned readers,

Isabella Xx

ALMIRA THORN- Knowledge of Another Kind.    [Editing]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن