Reason two,

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Dear Mom,

I know you had no idea that Dad didn't want me, and how he would slap me around while you were out drinking. You didn't care did you? I mean Hopefully you see the result of you and others actions. I guess Actions really do speak louder than words. MY baby is gone because of me...

You know mom, I knew in my heart if you had a choice to give me up you would take in an instant. Was I not perfect enough for your liking? Not pretty enough? Not sweet enough? Well you don't have to worry about this anymore. I'M SORRY BABY PLEASE COME BACK TO ME.

Don't yell for me too come back mom, because I won't. You won't see me again because dad will see you in hell. While I just linger around the world, finally out of your grasp. MEet me at the Church down on main street on the 25th, remember don't leave me with dad. I won't baby girl

Thank you for a lifetime of nothings.

Sincerely Hated,
Max moore

My little girl hated me, I really didn't know Jax beat her, I wish I could've stopped her. But It's too late now, maybe I will see Jax in hell, because for sure I know he will be down there for hurting our baby. A tear slipped out of the corner of her dark gray eyes, as it landed on the off white paper bleeding the ink around, no longer readable, but she remembered the date.

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