The Train

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"Well, this is it." Dad says, bending slightly to give me a hug.
"Yeah, yeah, see you soon." I roll my eyes.
"Oh come on! This is your fifth year! Can't you get a little sentimental?"
"Nope." I give Mum a hug. "Bye, guys."
"Love you, darling!" Mum says.
"Love you too, and all that jazz." I start to walk away.
"And son?" I turn, expecting Dad to say something corny while teary-eyed. "Try not to almost destroy the world again." He says, a smirk on his face.
"No promises." I grin back at him. Mom and him turn to James and Lily and start fussing over them. I roll my eyes again. I see Rose and run over to her "Where's Scorpius?"
"Nice to see you too, cuz. I had a great summer, thanks for asking." I look at her. "Like I would care where that idiot is." I keep staring at her. "He's probably late or something, I don't know."
"Rose. He's been crushing on you for years. Cut him some slack!" Rose blushes.
"Thanks, cuz." I head over to Hugo, who's waiting for Lily to come over. I give a pat on the head and start chatting with Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. We talk for a while, and I start getting more nervous as time goes by.
"What's bothering you, Albus?" Hermione asks worriedly.
"It's just...Scorpius isn't here yet. Pretty soon we'll have to get on the train. He's usually here by now..."
"It's okay, he's just running a tad bit late."
"Yeah..." I bite my lip.
"Geez, by the way you two act, people would think you're a couple!" Ron and Hermione laugh. My eyes widen and my face turns red. When I realize they're joking, I force out a laugh.
"Hahaha...yeah, I guess so."
"Well, it's about time you get on the train." Ron pats me on the shoulder. I see the other students pushing their luggage and I run to get mine. "Bye, Uncle Ron! Bye, Aunt Hermione!" They chuckle and wave.
Once I suffer through the last hugs, kisses, and goodbyes, I head over to the train. Where the heck is Scorpius?! He's never been this late! I hope he's okay...
The train whistles and I hop on. I sit down in an empty compartment. The train starts to move. That's when I see Scorpius. He's running to get on, but the train doesn't stop. I gasp. "Scorp!" I run to the window and haul it open when the Trolley Witch isn't looking. Scorp sees me and starts running faster. He gets closer and closer, and finally he grabs my hand and I pull him through the window. We fall on the ground, Scorpius on top of me. Our eyes lock and he jumps off me. My face turns red again. I sneak a peek at him, noticing he looks the same. He shoves his hands in his pockets. The silence is excruciatingly awkward. Finally, the ice is broken by the Trolley Witch.
"Ugh, the troublesome Dynamic Duo. Don't expect to get any sweets from me!" She scowls and goes to the next compartment.
"That's fine!" Scorp says, pulling out a large pumpkin pasty from a paper bag. He splits through the middle and gives a half to me. Our hands brush lightly and he quickly draws back. "T-thanks."
"Don't worry, this one isn't a mini grenade!" We both laugh and begin reminiscing about old times. It's perfect...
...Almost too perfect. I sigh quietly, trying not let Albus notice. Unfortunately, he does. "Scorp? What's wrong?"
"N-nothing, nothing. I'm fine." I take a bite of pumpkin pasty. "Just uh...nervous for OWL testing!"
"Oh!" Albus slaps his forehead. "I totally forgot they were this year!" I nod, trying to keep the act up.
"But seriously, what's wrong?" Bloody...
"Nothing!" Albus looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "Nothing, I swear!" Eyebrows raise higher. I look him in the eyes. "I'm fine."
"Alright, alright." He puts his hands up in a surrender. "I believe you."
"So, um, how was your summer?" I ask.
"It was okay. Pretty boring. Yours?"
"Same here. Yours?" Albus looks at me strangely. "O-oh...sorry." We laugh. Albus leaves for a minute to check in on Hugo and Lily, so I pull a book out of my bag and start reading. "Ooh, a fiction book for once. Looks good." Albus exclaims, sitting down next to me. He squirms closer and leans his head on my shoulder while we read. I flinch, but let him do it. Please don't let him notice my crimson face...
While walking by our compartment, Rose notices us. "Oi! You two! Get a room!" She knocks on the compartment door and laughs. I roll my eyes at her. She looks taken aback.
"God, cuz. We're just friends." Albus says, giving her an annoyed look. Just friends. That stung.
"S-sorry..." She says, not really aiming it towards Albus, but me. She walks briskly away and joins her friends. Albus sighs and rests his head back on my shoulder. We continue reading but I can't help think about what he said.
Just friends....did he really mean it? Of course he did. He'd never think of me like that...right?
"God, cuz. We're just friends." I shoot her a look. Of course, I didn't mean it. I can't admit anything unless I know Scorp feels the same way...which he doesn't. Does he? No...he couldn't. He likes Rose, not me!
"S-sorry." Rose hurries off. I sigh and lay my head back on Scorpius' shoulder. Oh no...I hope he doesn't think this is a flirty move. I shake off the thought. I need to stop being so worried, I'll die of stress.
Scorpius seems fine with it. The book is some Muggle book called The Blood Of Olympus. When I ask him about it, he just replies that it's a few years old and he's re-reading it. It's pretty confusing, I guess it's in a series. I read it with him anyway. After a while, I get really tired and decide to shut my eyes. I dream about him, of course.
What seems like minutes turns into hours, and I'm suddenly awakened by Scorpius.
"Come on, Albus! It's time to go."
"Right!" I jump up and grab my luggage.
"Are you ready for our fifth year of Hogwarts?" He asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be."

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