21. Re-Born

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"What was what?" Jeremy asked, confusion on his face. "You just looked like you were in a trance for a few minutes."

Huh... a few minutes. It had felt a hell of a lot longer than that and I didn't really know how to explain properly, "It was like I was seeing my own memories... but they were memories that I didn't... remember!" I probably sounded crazy... again. I sighed but Caroline sat me down and taking a deep breath she asked me a question,

 "Do you remember learning about compulsion?"

I felt my brow furrow as I answered her, "Yeah, it's when a vampire uses mind control to make you do things you don't want to do."

"Well," Caroline continued, "Compulsion can be used for more than that. We can use compulsion to make a human forget something. But when we transition into a vampire, all the compulsions wear off. It happened to me when Katherine turned me. I could see everything Damon had made me forget as if it were happening there and then."

I heard a gasp and realised it came from me. Although I had seen the memories... up close and personal. I hadn't realised what they meant; at least not completely, now I did. All that... it happened, with Nik. He knew me and then wiped the memories from me. I felt myself getting angry. This heightened emotion crap was getting annoying. I looked to Caroline again,

"So, if I'm human I can be compelled, but as a vampire I can't be... right?"

"Well sort of." She answered.

Sort of? What the hell did that mean? Caroline must have seen the confusion on my face, she explained better.

"Well vampires can't compel vampires, but an original can. So we can still be compelled by Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah."

Oh great, so the only vampire to compel me so far, still has that ability now. Although, something about my new memories, about the way Nik had looked at me in them, my mind was made up, the decision made. I looked at them,

"How exactly do I complete the transition?"

Caroline squealed with delight, she actually jumped up clapping her hands. Jeremy just smiled. I knew his feelings. He didn't want this for anyone, but he didn't want me to die. Without a word he lifted my dad's antique letter opener of the desk, closed his left hand around the blade, and pulled.

The smell attacked my senses. I could feel my mouth salivate as I inhaled the sweet smell. He held his hand out to me, I took it in both of mine and giving Caroline a quick nervous look, I closed my mouth around the wound.

Oh my god. That was the most beautiful thing I had ever tasted. Jeremy pulled his hand away from me far too soon for my liking but now I had something else to worry about.

My hands flew to my jaw, I could feel something happening. My fingers moved to my teeth, they were changing... getting longer. But then the pain in my jaw was nothing to the pain that started on my wrist, I felt myself screaming as I clawed at the bracelet that Nik had given me. Jeremy rushed forward and pulled it off for me. I stood looking at it, then I remembered... Vervain. I knew I wouldn't be able to wear it again and a part of me was sad.

The pain passed, both from my jaw and my wrist. I turned to Caroline, my mouth opened to ask her a question when it hit me. Jeremy's hand was still bleeding. I could feel my face change as I turned on him... he saw the hunger in my face and started backing up, Caroline took a step towards me but it wasn't needed. The look on Jeremy's face was enough to make me stop and think. But I could smell the blood even more now.

I pushed the need away and ran to the kitchen. I stood at the sink taking deep breaths. When my face returned to normal I lifted a glass from the draining board, turned on the tap and filled the glass. With a slight tremble in my hand I raised the glass to my lips and took a big gulp...

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