twelve | football game

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"Oh please I know .." I say rolling my eyes and running downstairs. "Hey Lauren I'm going to be in your car k ?"

"Alright .. I'll be there in a while." She yells from the upstairs bathroom. When I open my phone I'm getting text messages.

Harold ⚡️ : Zayn where are you ?!?! Are you wearing your number 5 shirt ?

Louis 🍑 : Mate .. We're waiting on you and we're trusting you this time.

Liam : So are you coming or no ?

Niall 👑 : We're trusting you alright ? Also we saved you and your sister a seat so don't be late !

I get into the car and text Lauren to hurry up and she texts back saying "Hold up .. I'm running downstairs." I than see Lauren coming and she accidentally trips and I laugh at her and she comes into the car and says "see what happens when you rush me ?"

"It's called Karma."

"Whatever .. Let's just go."


By the time we arrive I can see all of the lights on and everybody yelling and cheering.

"Holy shoot I think one of ours won." I stand there while Lauren just runs and gets her money out.

"Lauren what the hell ?!? Where are you going ?"

"We're going to be late Zayn." Lauren pays the person who's guarding the line 5$ and he stops me .. "What about you ?" I show him my red number 5 shirt and he lets me in .. We run to the other side since there's half of the people wearing red and we know it's my school .. I than hear my name calling all 4 guys are also wearing the "thang" shirt ... Louis is #1 .. Harry is #2 , Liam is #3 , Niall is #4 and I'm number 5We go all the way up and I bring Lauren with me .. "Everybody this is my sister Lauren Malik."

"Hey." Lauren gives them a huge smile showing her perky white teeth and waving ...

All 4 British boys respond back saying "hello"

"Hello Beautiful." Liam grabs her hand and gives it a small kiss Lauren than squeals a little bit and sits right next to him and keep there conversation going while I sit next to Harry and Louis.

"So ... Zayn we see you got the shirt ! .." Harry says eating his popcorn.

"It's kind of cute .. Isn't it." Louis says popping into the conversation.

"Oh yes. Very." I say responding and smiling.

"We spot your prince." Harry says giving me a small smirk .. Harry than points right at Justin wearing his football gear which is all red and you can definitely see his bubble butt with those tight leggings. And he removes his helmet and drops water on his silky blond hair and shakes it off like a wet dog. It was kind of hot since he did it in slow motion.

"Prince ? No .." I say with a small weirded out look

"Admit it Zayn you like him .. We can tell .. And we're alright with it .." Harry says

"I honestly don't know if I like him .. I mean .. Maybe I do maybe I don't .. It's so hard because I don't want to date somebody who's abusive to other people."

"Don't worry ... You want to know something ?" Harry says staring at Zayn right in the eyes ..

"What is it ?" Zayn questions

"You can be his Best Mistake .." Harry says whispering to Zayn with a small smile and looking away.

Zayn thought about it and what if he was right ? But since Justin likes girls it doesn't make sense.

"I'll be right back .." Zayn says walking out of the top stairs and taking Lauren along with him.

"Zayn what the hell ?!?? Liam was about to tell me about our date !" Lauren says stressing out.

"Wait - woah .. What ? Date ?" I say looking confused as hell since they barely met 5 minutes ago.

"Oh yes .. He was about to tell me how we can go on top of the mountain and stare at the moon while we talk about our life with candles around us and-"

"Ok Lauren look I dragged you since I'm going to talk to one of the football players and kind of scared since .. Ya know ?" I say

"Alright but I'm going to buy something I'm starving." Lauren says touching her tummy.

Me and her walk all the way around and I spot Justin he than spots me and he tells his coach that he needs a break so he could talk to me.

"Hey Zee." Justin says removing his helmet and showing off his silky hair.

"Hey .." I say with a small smile.

"Long time no see huh ? You actually came ?" Justin says squinting.

"Well duh .. I had to .. By the way out all of these guys you're the most amazing one." I say while pushing him with one hand.

"Gee thanks .." He says with a smile.

"Zayn ! Follow me to get a hot dog and a bag of hot Cheetos it only costs 5$." Lauren says pushing Zayn back.

"I'm in the middle of something Lauren .." I say looking away.

"Oh I see .. Is this your boyfriend.." Lauren says with a small smile and I get so embarrassed.

"This is my friend Lauren ..." I say giving her an angry look.

"Doesn't look like it .. You both would make a cute couple to be honest .. Alright Zayn I'm going to go get a hot dog k ? Keep talking to this hottie." Lauren says giving a bitch walk.

"Who's that ?" Justin questions.

"My sister." I say staring at him

"You have a sister ?"

"Yep." I say popping the P

"Alright well see ya later Zee." He says giving me a small smile and putting his helmet back on.

I wave away and Lauren comes back holding a bag of chips , hot dog , and a water.

"Lauren what the hell ! That was really embarrassing." I say giving her a bad look and crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry Zayn .. I'm just being honest lets go back now I want to keep talking to sweet Liam." Lauren says walking away and leaving me behind.


Hey y'all I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ! Please vote it'll mean a lot ..

ZUSTIN will be coming soon I promise ..

-Jared 🌙

Best Mistake☽  Zustin Mieber AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu