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Chapter twenty- someone gets shot

Ann P.O.V

I cannot believe that jerk. I swear if I see even a glimpse of him in the next forty eight hours I'm going to slap him all the way to Mexico.

"Thank you for being there for me, Em," I smile at Emmie and they furrow their eyebrows.

"Of course. Anytime, Nessa. I mean it. I don't have many non-fictional friends, you know." They sigh. "I thought Parker and Cindy could be my friends, but, well, you know how that ended."

I nod and shiver, reminded suddenly that someone here was trying to kill me.

"Anyway, how's Dylan? I heard you guys were dating."

They blush and push their glasses further up the bridge of their nose. "Yeah. Since about a month ago."

"That's so exciting! How'd you guys meet?"

"Well, I was actually on a date with Luke.." I choke on my strawberry smoothie. ".. But when he tried to make a move on me while we were watching Gossip Girl in his apartment-" I double choke. "I freaked out and hit him with a pillow. Then I ran as fast I could, and kind of hit Dylan in the face with the door."

I stare at them in fascination. "Wow. How'd that change into a relationship?"

"It's kind of complicated, even I don't even understand it completely. Apparently Luke thought I was a psycho or something because the next day when I showed up at his door to apologize, he forced Dylan to come out and talk to me instead, and, well, that's kind of how it started."

I shake my head in amazement. "You should write a book or something."

"Oh, no one would read a book about my life," Emmie laughs.

"I would!" I protest. "It'd be super cheesy, but cute."

"Okay," they smile, but it quickly morphs into an expression of worry.
"What was that?" They whisper.

"What was what?" I whisper with them.

"That noise. I heard something. Sh, listen."

I stay silent, but hear nothing.

"Oh my gosh," they whisper scream. "Look behind you!"

I whip my head around and see a pool of blood coming from...

My vagina.

"Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry, Em. I guess it's shark week. This is so embarrassing."

"Oh, thank goodness. I was so scared... I don't know why, but I guess I'm just a little paranoid tonight. Here, pick a pad, any pad." They hand me a small silver bag and I gratefully open it.
"Wait, what's this?"

I take out a piece of paper and unfold it.

'Stay away from my man. Period. Love and kisses.

I take in a sharp breath and show it to Emmie.
"Where'd they get the blood from?" Their voice cracks.

"I don't know," I whisper, shivering.

"Well, what are we going to do?!"

I take in a breath. "Okay, let's be reasonable about this. We're either going to be killed or survive tonight, right?"

"Yeah?" Emmie looks at me with tears in their wide open eyes.

"I'd prefer to live, so we have to think straight for a second." I try my best to sound calm, but inside, I'm just as scared as Emmie, if not more. "Who could she be talking about? Reasonably, she would be talking about Dylan, since he's the only one who's dating either of us. But this is a psychotic possible murderer we're talking about, so there's nothing reasonable about this."

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