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Chapter twenty seven- first date

Ann P.O.V

"What the heck are these and why are you shoving them in my face?"

Chase reddens and takes a few steps away. After unceremoniously barging into my room without knocking, he now stands a safe distance from me, thrusting two small bundles inches from my face.

"Well, I was going to get you flowers but they die really easily and that's kind of depressing, so I got you these."

A soft smile slips onto my face. He's so cute. "So... What are they?"

"Oh! Um, you have to open the wrapper things."

I take the two small packages in my hand and flip them over.
"EW!!!!" Dropping them as if they're on fire, I bury my face with my hands, feeling a hot flame spread across my cheeks.

"No no no that's not what they are! It's just the only packages we had... Or Luke had..."

"That's gross. I'll give you a F for presentation." I hold back a gag, my cheeks still hot in embarrassment as I open the condom wrapper.

"Do you like them?"

"Hold your horses, mister. I haven't seen them yet," I laugh, fishing an object out of the wrapper and holding it into the light.

The pale, smooth pink surface of the shell is almost translucent in the warm afternoon sun, extraordinarily beautiful in every way- kind of like the person standing in front of me.

"Wow, this is-really-cool!" I sputter, speechless.

"Um, I'm glad you like it. There's a blue one in the other box. I couldn't find any orange ones..." I smile at the fact that he remembers my favorite color.

"They're perfect, Chase. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. Um, do you want to have dinner at the beach with me tonight? It won't be just us, Dylan and Emmie and Luke and his girlfriend are coming..."

"Luke has a girlfriend?!"

Chase laughs. "I know, shocking. It turns out they've been dating for a few months now."



Cue the awkward silence.

"Well, I'd love to go, thank you for inviting me!"

"Oh, awesome! Yeah. See you then."


Chase P.O.V

"You have to bring flowers."


"Bring her flowers or I will see to it that you do not survive to see your precious Vanessa again."

"Flowers are cliche and they die too quickly!" I protest.

"That doesn't mean Vanessa doesn't like them! Now go get the girl some freaking flowers!"

"Fine," I spit. "But I'm going in this."

Dylan rolls his eyes while Luke slaps his forehead.

"Chase, I have a black belt in the art of winning girls. I know what they like, and it's not an ugly man child wearing sweat pants and a stupid looking t-shirt. Go change." Luke looks like he's about to lose it.

"I don't have time for this. I've got to go pick up some stupid flowers."


Ann P.O.V

"Ness, I honestly can't believe you agreed to go out with that knuckle head. He's as stupid as a pile of bricks and as stubborn as a mule."

"Em, I know all that. He's also as frustrating to put up with as a bratty child, but I still love him."

They almost drop the hair curler. "Hold up. You love him?"

"I mean..." I sigh. "Yeah. Is that bad?"

They snort. "It's nothing you can help, but I pity you. Getting Chase to admit his feelings to you is going to be as... Forget the similes. It's going to be butt-draggingly hard."

"Well, at least he's got feelings to admit to."

"I guess..."

After they're done curling my normally pin-straight hair, they insist on doing my make up, even though I'm more than capable. "Can I do yours, then?" I plead.

"Absolutely not," they reply simply, dabbing concealer over the bags under my eyes.

"Love you, too," I grumble, earning a smug smirk from Emmie.


Chase P.O.V

"You got her orange peonies?"

"Orange is her favorite color," I shrug and push past the gaping buffoons.

"You're real smart, Chase. Real smart. She's going to hate them."

"Whatever. I'm the one she likes, not you, so you can put your opinions up your butt where they belong."

Chris shakes his head.

"It doesn't seem like you're really trying here, Chase."

I slam my palms on the counters. "I am, okay?! I'm wearing a tie and slacks. I got her flowers. I am trying my best here, and you all are acting like moms! Get a life!"

They tisk. "Ladies don't fall for men with tempers."

I throw my hands up in the air. "I've had about enough of this nonsense."

"Well, good, because it's time to go."

"Fantastic," I mumble and grab the flowers on my way to Vanessa's room.

"Wait up, dork."

I scoff as Dylan falls in step with me, white roses in hand.

Knock knock knock knock knock.

"Stop with the knocking," Dylan hisses in my ear.

The door opens and Emmie smiles at us. "Vanessa, it's Dylan and your piece of crap!" They turn back to us and smile. "Are the roses for me?"

"No, he was going to give them to that lamp," I drawl, earning two matching withering looks. I roll my eyes. What a perfect couple.

The door opens wider to reveal a beaming Vanessa. Her white flowered dress compliments her tanned skin perfectly, somehow making her bright eyes even brighter, and her lopsided smile stirs something in my heart.

Gross, when did I become a poet?

"Hey, Chase!" She gives me a hug and smiles at the flowers.

"Wow, I thought you hated flowers! Thank you so much!"

Great, I've already messed up.

"Chase, do you have anything to say to Vanessa?"

I glare at Emmie and look at Vanessa. What am I supposed to say? She looks... Amazing. As always. She looks happy to see me, as if I deserve that. Looking at her, I know what I need to say.

"I love you," I blurt out.

Dylan groans and Emmie closes their eyes in annoyance.
"A simple you look nice would have been acceptable, stupid."

I feel my cheeks heat up and look down at Vanessa. She looks shocked, to say the least. Finally, after what seems like hours, she pulls me down to her level and whispers the most beautiful words I have ever heard into my ears.

"And I love you."

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