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It was a normal afternoon, when it happened. Well, nothing was really 'normal' anymore, what's normal about dead people walking around. Anyway, it was a pretty 'normal' afternoon, and Kayleigh was sat on the porch with her brothers, Ken and Kai. Ken was reading a book, and Kai was, well, 'procrastinating'. She was doodling, when she noticed something 'not normal'.

"Ken." She spoke quietly, putting her pencil down.
"Mmnh?" He mumbled back, looking up from his book.
"Is that a... Thingy..?" Kayleigh said, pointing at a figure making its way towards the house. Kai stopped playing with his shoelace and looked at where she was pointing.
"Uh.. I'm not.." Ken started.
"Yes it is dumb ass." Kai butted in, standing up.
Kayleigh clutched her sketch pad, and the front door opened. Dad walked out and sighed.
"If I hear another fucking argument between you all I'm seriously gonna knock you all out." He grumbled.
"Nelson!" Her mom appeared in the doorway beside him, and scolded him. He sighed again.
"Daddy." Kayleigh said, looking up at him.

"There's a walker there." she murmured, pointing at the figure that had got closer to the house.
"Walker? Jesus, you've been watching that Zombie show again haven't you?" He laughed sarcastically.
"Yeah, well..." She began, "It seems like the show is coming to life sorta.."
"Kayleigh that's ridiculous." Kai said.
Kayleigh looked down at her sketch pad again and sighed gently. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She turned.
"Honey don't listen to him. He's always been my least favorite child anyway."
"Thanks Dad."
Kayleigh giggled and turned back to face the walker that was 'still' coming towards the house.
"Their slow aren't they?" Mom said, limping out of the house on her crutches. She was involved in a car accident a few weeks before the outbreak started. She completed smashed her ankle to pieces and hasn't been able to walk for the last god knows how long. Kayleigh has to help her get around the house and up the stairs, unless her Dad decides to carry her or something. They're very close, her parents. Kayleigh admires their relationship a lot, but her brothers think it's gross.
"They're almost as slow as you Mom." Ken laughed, she punched him lightly, and laughed. Even her Dad chuckled a little.
Then the mood changed.
"Oh fuck." her Dad snapped. They all looked at him, confused. He pointed at the walker. It had become hundreds and hundreds of them in a matter of second. Kayleigh's heart started racing, and then she suddenly remembered things she'd seen in the zombie show.
"What the fuck are we meant to do?!" Ken squeaked, breathing very quickly.
"Keep quiet for a start, you idiot." Kai snapped, yanking Ken closer towards him.
"We should stay inside till they pass." her Mom said.
"We can't do that. They'll tear the house down!" Ken squeaked again. Kai slapped his hand across his mouth to shut him up.
"Daddy, we could do what they did in the zombie show..?" Kayleigh suggested. Kai sighed. Her Dad glared at him, and then turned to her.
"What is it?"
"They, um... Covered themselves in zomb- walker guts and then walked through them, because walkers couldn't smell them...because they had the guts and stuff..."
"That's actually not a bad idea." Her Dad said.
"Where the fuck are we gonna get a zombie from without getting eaten in the process?" Kai snorted.
"Ah.." Kayleigh sighed, well that was my idea out the window.
"Why don't we just charge through them?" Their Dad said.
"It'll be a mad dash to the car that 'someone'," he glared at Kai, "decided to park all the way over there." He pointed to the other side of the small field.
"Well I'm sorry it ran out of gas because 'someone', he stared at his Dad, imitating him, "forgot to get some."
Ken pulled Kai's hand away from his mouth.
"Can we hurry please, I don't plan on dying today." He whispered.
"Yeah let's get this over with.."
"Wait. Mom can't run fast as us!" Kayleigh said.
"You can help her, right?" Her Dad said.
"Can't you carry her?" she suggested.
"I'm afraid not. I'll be smashing zombie heads in with this little lady." He reached inside the house behind the door, pulling out a baseball bat. "I've been saving this for the last four weeks. I might name it after your mother." He laughed. 
"Why?" I asked.
"Because it's fucking great at it's job." he replied, with a chuckle, as he admired the wooden bat and swung it backwards and forwards a few times.
"Who names their weapons anyway?" their Mom laughed.
"Dad." Kai pointed to the large herd of walkers heading to the house. Their Dad sighed.
"Boys, go grab some knives from the kitchen, you'll need them."

The two brothers ran into the house and immediately came back with a knife each, one for Kayleigh and one for their Mom. Kayleigh grabbed her waist and she put her arm around her shoulders. They made their way slowly down the steps of our porch, with their Dad in front, and the two brothers behind her.
"On the count of three, you two run that way, and we'll go this way. Got it?" Her Dad muttered. The brothers nodded and Ken gripped his knife tighter.
They got closer
Her heart started racing.
Everything happened to go so quickly. Ken and Kai rushed of to the left, and Kayleigh and her parents rushed another way. Her Dad was smacking walkers left right and centre with his creation, and the sound made her feel sick. We were running for about three minutes, when Mom stumbled a little. We slowed down but her Dad carried on running.
"Mom. Please!" She squeaked.
"Kayleigh listen to me." She sounded stern.
"Kayleigh. I want you to let go of me, and catch up with your father." Her voice trembled.
"N..No!" She said, a bit too loudly, attracting a couple walkers from the left of them.
"Kayleigh do it."
"There's no point in both of us dying."
"Stop!" Her voice cracked.
"NO!" A walker sunk its teeth deep into her Mom's arm, and tears spilt down her face. Her mom let go of her, but she kept a firm grip on her mothers arm.
"M..M..Mo..m"  Kayleighsobbed, trying to pull her away from the monsters. The seemed to just keep piling on to her.
"KAYLEIGH!" She heard her dad yell at her, but she couldn't move. Suddenly her Dad smashed into her Mom's arm with his bat, breaking it off after a few hits, causing Kayleigh to fall back. Her Dad grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away from the screaming, disgusting pile that was his wife, and her mother less than a minute ago. He threw Kayleigh into the car, where Ken and Kai already were. Kai grabbed her and hugged her tightly as she sobbed into his chest.Their Dad slammed his foot down and the car sped off away from their home, and their Mom.
"Wh-Where's Mom?" Ken stuttered.
"She didn't make it." Dad grumbled. Kayleigh sobbed harder.
"Oh.. Oh.." Ken whispered, starting to cry. The car sped away from the village they were born and raised in, as the three siblings sat huddled in the back, in a snotty, sobbing mess.

It's a little heavy for a first chapter but, hey, it's an apocalypse

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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