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There was simply no air left. And that caused his tone to end in a pathetic hoarse whisper, nowhere even near the impressive note it had begun with.

The hoarseness caused him to start coughing, again. He waved his hand towards the glass seperating him and the producer as he coughed on, dubbled over with his hands on his knees. There was simply no air left.

"Yah, Jungkookie, are you alright?" One of the slender fingers attached to Yoongi's hand had pressed down on the intercom-button, wanting to communicate with his singer. He normally never spoke to him until they had done the complete recording. Add the fact that he called him Jungkookie, a nickname for special occasions, and Jungkook knew just how worried his friend was.

Jungkook merely nodded, his coughs slowly lessening, and took a firm grip on the waterbottle placed next to the mic. The drink had been nice and fresh, but now, after almost two hours of recording and not getting down the climax, it had turned warmer. The cause of that was the deathgrip the singer had on it with his sweat-slick hands. The bottle felt like a lifeline, something that helped him up after tumbling down that fucking high and long note once again.

"Thanks hyung, but I'm fine," Jungkook smiled after gulping down yet another mouthfull of the now nearly empty bottle. "I'm sorry. I'll get it this time." He started wiping of his hands on his pants and got ready to start over. Again.

"No." The sharp voice sounded.

"No?" It got repeated, by a less sharp voice, more of a slightly hurt one.

"Look, I'm sorry Jungkook, but I don't want you to almost die in another one of your coughing fits, thank you very much." The producer was tapping the fingers of his other hand on the buttons of the soundboard in front of him.

"I'm fine. Just a little short on breath, that's all. It's clammy in here. Isn't there a window we can open?" Jungkook knew how stupid his question was, as he was used to spending large parts of his day in Yoongi's recording studio. He knew it was perfectly soundproof. So no, there were no windows.

Min Yoongi just raised a brow at the younger before continuing.
"You have an amazing voice, I know that. You've done more than one song of mine, so I know that you're good. You just forget to breath. That's why you can't reach it."

The singer frowned. "But I'm busy singing. I don't have the time to breath." The high note followed a string of fast verses, so there was actually no time to stop and gasp for air before going all out.

"Kook, I know you're good at sports too. I've seen you exercise and I know not to run into you in a dark alley and piss you off or I'd die."

Jungkook gniffled a bit, imagining his Yoongi hyung pissing him off. Yoongi could never piss the younger off. He then tried to see him beating the other up. That would never happen, Yoongi was like a father to him. They cared far too much about each other.

"So you have great stamina, except it doesn't seem to help you in this case. I think you should learn some breathing exercises."
The singer nodded at the proposal. He was up for that.
"And I know exactly who could teach you! Kookie, come out and listen."

The latter sighed a bit, knowing that he wouldn't get to sing anymore that day, and pulled the headphones from around his neck. Grabbing the bottle, he opened the door seperating him and the producer and went to stand behind him. Yoongi was ready to play an audio file.

"What's this, hyung?" Jungkook frowned. He recognized the name of the file as the song they were recording, but it was accompanied by the words 'draft version by Jimin'.

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