Chapter 17

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Venus' POV
I let out a breath as I watched Professor Snape process the information I had just told him.
He just stared at me for another couple minutes before speaking.
"That explains it..." Snape muttered.
I rose an eyebrow. "Explains what?"
He pinched the bridge of his nose. " look like a grown woman when you're only a teenager." He growled out.
I smirked. "Teenager? I'm older than you think. But Professor, are you trying to imply that I'm beautiful?"
Professor Snape glared at me, but didn't respond.
I laughed. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Are you going to just stand there, or grace me with your story?" Professor Snape inquired sarcastically.
I nodded, and began,
"My father, Charles Hastings, is a pure blood wizard. He met my mother, the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, a long time ago. Gods and goddesses aren't allowed to leave Olympus, but my grandfather, Zeus, allowed my mother to come down to Earth to live one day as a mortal. That one day was the day she met my father, and I was conceived. The one thing that is highly frowned upon is for goddesses and mortal men to mate. But, my mother broke that law, by being with my father. So, before I was born, Zeus allowed my mom to stay on Earth for one year to raise me, but after that, she had no choice but to return to Olympus. I know her, but I grew up without her. Because I'm her daughter, she's a part of me, in every single way. It's all contained in the necklace. It was given to me before she returned to Olympus. This necklace is the only communication I have with my mother. She's not allowed to see me, which became her punishment for loving a mortal man. It's not only hers, but my punishment as well. I don't know my family up on Olympus, and I probably won't ever get to. The reason I'm at Hogwarts is because someone knows my secret. My father knew no other option than to send me here. You are now one of five that know this."
I finished talking, and assessed the Potions Master's reaction.
He was just staring at me, intrigue written across his face.
"Who knows of your secret?" Professor Snape asked me.
"I'm not sure. My father wouldn't tell me." I admitted, shrugging.
He nodded in understanding.
We stood there in silence for a moment before I cleared my throat.
"So...what now?" I asked.
Professor Snape rose an eyebrow. "Pardon?"
"We kissed. Again." I stated in an obvious tone, staring at him blankly.
"I'm aware of that, Miss Hastings." Professor Snape replied.
I let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't have time for this indecision, or this back and forth. You either share my feelings, or you don't. It's simple!" I exclaimed.
Professor Snape pinched the bridge of his nose again.
"It is not simple, you insolent girl." He muttered, walking past me, and around his desk, to sit in his chair.
I scoffed, turning to face him from my spot in front of his desk.
"You're making it hard, sir.." I replied.
I jumped, as he slammed his fists down on the desk.
"Enough!!! There is more on the line than your female brain can even career, my reputation, your future.." He trailed off.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you so worried about my future?"
He sighed. "Because it could be ruined if you involve yourself with someone like me."
I rolled my eyes. "You know, you're whole 'dark and dangerous' facade is getting rather old."
Snape glared at me. "You know nothing about me."
I walked around the desk, and boldly grasped his hands in mine.
"I could learn. If you open up to me...for starters, can I call you by your first name?"
He looked up at me, and I could see the hesitation in his eyes.
"You may...when we're may call me Severus." He muttered, growling a little bit as well.
I laughed. "See?! It's not that hard."
A hint of a smirk lined his lips, but it was gone as quick as it came.
I smiled, and sat on his lap.
"Miss Hastings, this is entirely inappropriate." Snape whispered, his smooth baritone floating through the classroom.
I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck lightly.
"Don't fight it, Severus. It's okay." I reassured.
He caressed my cheek tenderly. "You deserve much more than me."
I took in a breath, and instead of responding verbally, I kissed him instead.
He responded instantly, pulling me closer and melding his lips into mine.
We continued to kiss as I straddled his lap.
After a few minutes, we pulled away.
Severus searched my face, taking in every feature.
"You're going to be the death of me, Venus Hastings."
I smiled, biting my lip seductively. "Then let there be death."

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