Chapter 3

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When I walked into the Great Hall about ten minutes later, the tables were beginning to fill with students, and the professors finding their seats at the staff table.
I noticed Professor Snape slide in through a side door, and take his seat.
I tore my gaze away to see Natalie waving me down. I smiled, as I made my way over to her.
Before now, I didn't really socialize, so I didn't have many friends. There was good potential in Natalie, she just seemed like a naturally nice person.
I sat down next to her, flashing her a grin.
"Good morning."
Her eyes lit up. "What class do you have first?"
She smiled. "Me too!"
I could hear excited whispers and anticipation all around me, and I furrowed my brows in confusion. I had started here a week late, so I wasn't privvy to anything that was happening.
"Why is everyone so hyped up?" I asked Nat in a hushed whisper.
"Why, Hogwarts is hosting the TriWizard Tournament this year. Two other schools are set to arrive in a couple weeks." Natalie explained, genuine grin on her face.
"Oh, that sounds intriguing..." I mused.
Natalie observed for a moment. "Don't do it, Venus. I've heard people die in this tournament."
I laughed. "Don't worry. I won't."
Natalie and I walked side by side down to the dungeons, and entered the Potions classroom. She motioned me to where she liked to sit, and I took the seat next to her.
All conversation halted as soon as the door flew open, and Professor Snape glided through the door, and stood front and center.
His eyes flitted from student to student, as he waved his hand, and directions started to appear on the chalkboard.
"Directions are on the board. Begin."
With that, he took a seat behind his desk.
I'm not a genius at Potions, and I don't  necessarily like the subject either. But I did know enough to reach the N.E.W.T. level.
Natalie got up to collect the potion ingredients we would need, as I wordlessly waved my hand, and a small fire erupted underneath the cauldron.
"Miss Hastings."
I looked up to find Professor Snape looking at me.
"Yes, sir?"
He held something out, and I stood up, approaching his desk.
I looked down at the paper, then at him.
"What is this?"
His lips twisted into a sadistic smirk.
"A test of sorts. To test the subject of potion making."
I crossed my arms. "I'm not taking that."
Snape's eyebrow rose. "Excuse me?" He spoke slowly.
"I'm not taking some test that determines my "competence." If I'm in this class, I must meet the criteria. Not to mention, I'm almost certain no other student had to take this, so therefore I will not."
The Potion Master's eyes narrowed, as he assessed me.
"Very well." He put the piece of paper down, and folded his hands on his desk, looking up at me.
"What?" I replied lazily.
"Since you are determined to disobey a direct order from a professor, then I have no other option than to serve you with a detention." He stated, a cruel smirk lining his lips, and I knew he was enjoying this.
I smirked, crossing my arms. "Well, sorry to disappoint, Professor, but I will not be attending."
I didn't give him a chance to speak again, because I had grabbed my fringe bag, and telling Natalie I would see her later, exited the potions classroom, all the while feeling his gaze piercing holes in my back.

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