Chapter 4

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I found myself in the middle of the courtyard, and I sat down underneath the large tree.
I took in a breath, relaxing. I've never been so forceful or rude to anyone in my life, so why now, and why Professor Snape???
I had just met him, and from what I could tell after 24 hours, he was a miserable git.
I felt a vibration against my chest. I gripped my locket in my fingertips, and pressed down on the front. The engraved dove's wings flapped, and it opened, revealing a silver light, and a face I recognized.
I smiled wide. "Hi Mama."
A beautiful smile graced my mother's lips. "Hello, darling. How's school?"
I rolled my eyes, not answering.
My mother laughed, an angelic sound that delighted my ears.
"That bad, huh?"
I nodded, thinking.
"You can do it, Venus. I know you can, you're my daughter remember?"
I smiled. "I know, Mama."
There was a whirring noise in the background of the call, my mother's attention side-tracked for a moment.
She turned back to me, a sad smile on her face.
"They're calling for me. I'll talk to you soon, darling. Try to enjoy yourself. I love you."
I felt tears fill my eyes, but I blinked them away. "I love you too."
With that, the silver light disappeared, and my locket snapped close, the dove's wings flapping for a moment, then stopping.
I dropped my locket against my chest gently.
I walked back inside, with intent to return to my room to take a nap. I didn't get that far.
"Miss Hastings."
I turned around to find no other than Professor Dumbledore, smiling at me kindly.
"According to the time, aren't you supposed to be onto your next class??"
I looked down the hall and noticed students entering classrooms left and right.
First period had passed.
Forty minutes had passed in the time I had been talking to my mother.
Before I could speak on my behalf, someone else did, and not in the way I needed.
"Indeed, but Miss Hastings, however, found it necessary to storm out of my classroom."
The silk tone was unmistakeable, and I knew it was Professor Snape. I ignored his presence, and instead started to explain myself to Professor Dumbledore.
"He was being relentless, and unfair." I simply said.
Professor Snape scoffed.
Dumbledore looked between us, and I could have sworn I saw amusement flicker in his wise eyes.
"So tell me, what has been done about this?"
Professor Snape spoke first. "I gave her a detention, and Miss Hastings has refused to serve it."
Dumbledore looked at me, "Is this true?"
I let out a frustrated breath. "It might be.."
"Venus, if a professor gives you a detention, you must serve it. It's their right. I'm sorry, but it's out of my hands."
My jaw dropped, and I quickly closed it. I sighed, nodding.
I could sense the triumph in Snape's aura, and I bit my tongue lightly to keep my mouth shut.
I turned on my heel, and made my way down to the dungeons. I entered the common room, and stomped up the stairs. I dropped my bag on my bed, and approached the window of my room.
I sat on the windowsill, and looked out into the horizon.
An owl was approaching the window, and I recognized it as my Dad's.
I opened the window, allowing Rosie to perch. I took the letter out of her talons, smiling at the messy script of my boyfriend's handwriting on the envelope.
I pet Rosie for a second, then watched her fly away.
I sat down on my bed, with intent to open the letter, read it, and respond promptly.
Instead, I found myself drifting into dreamland.

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