The girl's eyes grew wide seeing Dylan too.

"No worries. I don't bite. Although your daughter does look delicious. I might just bite after all. How much do you pay for sexual services? Now I am a man in need and I like to -" Dylan stops abruptly when I glare at him. Poor Blondie's mom seems like she was about to faint and Blondie herself didn't look so good either.

"Um, hey hiii, I'm - I'm her roommate, Kayla," I say extending my hand out to the mom. 

"Oh," she says in relief. " I'm Mrs. Fredingson and this is my daughter Blythe." She gestures to Blondie.

"Then who is this?" Blythe says gesturing to Dylan on the bed, not caring for all the pleasantries.

"Oh this is my friend Dylan, who's leaving right now," I say glaring at him and at the door.

"Come on," He says when when I don't say anything. "Fine, I'm leaving." He gets up from the bed and walks to the door. " Catch you later Kay." He says closing it after him.

"I apologize Mrs. Fredingson. He was just joking earlier." I say with a tight smile.

"Oh, it's alright dear. Young people these days have a funny sense of humor." She chuckles lightly. "I should go too, actually."

"Yes mom, I'll call you, ok?" Blythe says walking her mother outside. I leave them to it and go to the bathroom to spray some water on my face. I come back to Blythe unpacking on her bed.

She looks up. "What's your position?" She asks.


"On the field?" She says rolling her eyes.

"Oh. Forward, you?"

"Goalie." She smirked.

"You're our goalie?" I said incredulously.

"Don't act so surprised. I know I look like I belong more on a catwalk then a soccer field but I'm really good at what I do and that's all that matters."She responded.

"Right, sorry. I didn't mean to be so judgy. I can't wait to meet the rest of the team. I'm a freshman if you couldn't tell."

"I'm a sophomore. My roommate last year was a senior and she graduated which I thank God for honestly. She was such a bitch and always trying to be me. I'm pretty sure she was jealous of my looks and I had to sleep with one eye open so that she doesn't kill me in my sleep." Blythe says babbling on before folding a shirt - or it might have been a dress- and putting it inside the drawers by her bed.

"O...kay. I'm not gonna try to kill you. I promise."

"Sure. You say that now but you will want to kill me later on, trust me. Just don't get on my bad side and you should be fine." She says with a tight smile that seemed very fake to me.

"I'll try not to." I said. I was little scared to be honest. I quickly changed the subject. "So, you're gonna be here at 6 for the team meeting?"

"Duh, the whole team should be here by now. Classes start tomorrow."

"Ok tell me everything I need to know about the team. I like to be prepared." I said sitting down on my bed.

She clapped her hands excitedly. "Ooh gossip. Now you're on my turf." She takes an elastic band from her purse and ties her hair with it. "Ok, so as you know, there are 13 of us. Stephanie and Jessica are the ones on the bench that play in case of emergencies. Amber, Lexie, Kendall and a new player are our Defenders. We have two new Midfielders along with Briana and Stacy. And I guess you are our Forward along with Darla. And I myself is the goalie." She says all in one breath.


"I am not done." She says interrupting me. "So Darla is dating Lexie's ex so they are currently not speaking which-

We hear a squeal in the hallway causing us to whip our heads towards the door. I quickly get off the bed to see what the commotion was about. I open the door and see a guy carrying a squealing girl on his back while their friends are laughing. Blythe pops up behind me.

"Oh everyone's here, I see." She says in a boring tone. "I'll tell you all the juicy details later." She says passing me and getting outside the room. "Hey guys."

The girl on the guy's shoulder pops her head up. "Oh hey Blythe. Please tell Tristan to put me down."

"Nah, I'm good." Blythe says flipping her hair.

The girl scowled.

"Why are you still here? I was hoping you'd get run over during the summer. But sadly God's got other plans." Another girl says popping gum in her mouth.

"Nice to see you too Kendall." Blythe replies frowning. "Have you met my new roommate?" She says grabbing me from behind the door and shoving me in front of her. Everyone whipped their heads towards me.

"Um. Hi." I glared at Blythe.

"Hey newbie, I'm Kendall and this is Lexie." She points at the girl that was on Tristan's back who is now fighting him on the couch. They both stop what they were doing and wave at me.

I wave back. "I'm Kayla."

"Cool, what do you play?" Another girl with red hair asks me. "I'm Briana by the way." She plops down on the couch between Lexie and Tristan to stop their fighting.

"Forward," I say.

I end up talking with Kendall and Briana for a while. They seem pretty nice. It got time to get ready for the team meeting so I went back to my room a while later. It seemed a bit chilly outside when I opened my window. I grabbed a hoodie to wear over my white T shirt and I left my blue shorts on.

I leave with Blythe and take the elevator down before walking to the field. Oh my God. I was gonna faint. The soccer field was huge, the biggest one I was ever gonna play on.

"Wow, I can't believe how big this is." I say to Blythe next to me.

"Yeah but the boys use it too, so we usually split it in half for practice." She replies.

"Still, we have official games on all of this. This is big to me." I say taking note of everyone gathering. I only recognize Lexie, Kendall and Briana.

I quickly join everyone else with Blythe in tow.

"Welcome everyone." a huge voice booms out from behind. I quickly see the owner of that voice when he steps in front of us. "I'm Coach Hunt." He says. He was an African American male who seems to be around his 40s.

He flips a page in a folder he's holding. "ok, I'm just gonna check and see if everyone is here," he says. "But first I just want to introduce our 4 new members."

I gulped. I could hear the men soccer team having their own meeting nearby.

"We have Gloria Stevens, Lainey McAdams, Sofia Cancino and Michaela Wilson."

All 4 of us stand up.

"Welcome to the Westfield University Women Soccer Team. I hope you are ready for this soccer season and long hours of excruciating practice sessions." Coach Hunt says. "This is gonna be a very interesting semester."


Haha. So here's the second chapter. Please let me know what you think in the comments and vote.


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