Chapter One

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"Fallon get up, Fallon wake up, Fallon" my mother screams from downstairs, repeating our morning tradition. From her screams I knew it was early because when ever I had a 9:00am start she'd wake me at 6:00am telling me that it's 9:00am. I had gotten so use to her tactics I figured out other ways to make up the sleep she lovingly disturbed. This wasn't one of those days that I would run the tap in the sink just so it sounded like I was getting ready when in actual fact I sleep walked into the bathroom and lock the door while I made a makeshift bed in the bathtub with towels and caught up on the one hour and forty nine minutes of ruined sleep.

I woke up alone and it took me a while to realise she wasn't here she never was. All those screams were yet another recall of the past a figment of my own imagination.

We've not spoken in two years my mother and I in fact I haven't spoken to most of my family apart from my elder sister since I was sixteen. If your maths is even basic you'd know I was 18 right now.

It had become a normality to wake up in bed that's not my own confused and scared trying to recall the night while my mind was still drunk and hazy. I had become so use to feeling so low and degraded that I couldn't tell if I had been raped or I had been to scared to say no. To scared to say no because god knows where else would I find to sleep better to raped and find a bed rather then sleeping rough tonight and being assaulted by many.

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