Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

“Plus five others” I added, as if it was the most important information available.

“Yes, plus five others. So you’ll be fine”

I nodded uneasily and whispered a “yea. Sure” under my breath.

I helped Josh clean up after dinner and we all sat down together and watched some trashy reality show. Josh and I sat on the sofa, as far apart as humanly possible while Marc and Janie sat snuggled together on the armchair. Their relationship had altered slightly since they came back. Although I’d only been here in the house a day or two before they had to go to Janie’s Uncle’s funeral they’d been outwardly like friends, and behind closed doors they were lovers.

The friends with benefits deal had obviously grown and Marc “Vin Depp” Thompson was a wannabe lady killer no more.

“I guess on this holiday it might be you and I more than either of us expected” Josh laughed gazing over to the lovebirds. I nodded uncomfortably, he was right. Marc and Janie would probably end up doing couple stuff, I didn’t even know who the others in our group were and it was almost a Given Nick wouldn’t exactly be wooing me on the beach front.

After our “date” I’d never managed to tell him that while he was a great guy, I just couldn’t see him as more than a friend. Spending an entire week with him in Hawaii could be just be creating a recipe for disaster.

“Relax Sarah, I know that you’re not in to me, I meant as friends.”

“Oh of course, I guess I am still just worried about the plane trip”

And Nick.

Always Nick.

I went to be around 11pm, and although it took me almost an hour to drift off, when I woke in the morning I felt refreshed.

I showered and dressed before walking in to the kitchen to pour a coffee

“You’re looking better this morning Sarah” Janie remarked as she looked up at me from the table.

“I feel better. Guess I just needed a good sleep”

We all left for the office a little while later. We parked in the basement and took the elevator up. When we exited the elevator we were flanked by security guards who checked our ID tags.

“Nick’s going a bit overboard on the security detail huh” I remarked as we walked away

“I didn’t know anything about this. Nick would have got me to send a memo out. Something is going on”

Janie picked up her pace and headed to her office. I walked down to my cubicle and sat down. It took a few minutes to sign in to my computer and I didn’t think much of our entrance in to the office until my email loaded and I had an unread message from Nick.

To: Sarah Roxy               

From: Nikolai Jackson

Subject: Are you here?


You didn’t answer your phone this morning, are you here? If you are, you need to come down to my office.

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