A Month later

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*Amber's pov.*

So Nathan and I decided to move back to the states, I would always have my house in Jamaica, but we'll be living in California.

After the proposal. Tyler thought it would be funny to post the engagement video onto the company's official Facebook page, and now, we were turning down interviews left and right. I really wanted to do an interview but Nathan didn't. I had been getting so much hate about our relationship online and I only wanted to clear it up. I thought Nathan would support me but he doesn't, right now all he ever does is worry about his company and all the extra attention they've been getting since the posting of the video.

It was now 6 in the evening and I was bored, Nathan is normally home before me but nowadays he comes home at nine and he's always tired and I am frustrated. I try not to argue with him because that's just more stress on the both of us but I'm just boiling inside.

As I scrolled through my Agency's timeline on Twitter I noticed a post.

@Megan-Turner: I honestly think that Nathan Ryder could do better, obviously she's only with him for the money, why do you think they're not doing Interviews.

I scoffed as I read her tweet this heffa had the nerve to tag me!

As soon as Nate comes home we are talking about this and we are doing an interview.


It was around 9 when I felt arms snake around my waist.

"Hey princess." Nathan muttered kissing my neck as he fixed himself behind me in bed.

"Nate, we gotta talk about the elephant in the room." I said smoothly.

"Babe I'm tired let's just sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning." He said burying his face in the pillows.

"No Nathan get up! I'm tired of avoiding this, you work all day! And you finally reach home at nine! 4 hours overtime! And then say your tired!" I said pulling off all the blankets and pillows off the bed.

"Amber stop! What do you want me to do?" He said walking over to me.

"You should know what you should be doing! Before the engagement you would've been all over me! Now you don't even glance my way!" I felt like I was being ignored and I don't like it!

"You mad cause of a little attention!?" He said raising his voice. He knows I don't like that.

"Yes! And also! We are doing an interview early Saturday morning so you better call off work!" I yelled back, what kind of a fiancé works seven days a week! Non stop!

"I am not doing an interview Amber, that's final."

"Naah we doing it, that's final." I said mocking his voice in the last half.

I think he forgot who he talking to. I swear my new medication is working A1 cause lord knows I would've done something by now.

I went in the closet and got out some blankets and I took my favorite pillow from underneath him.

"Amber what are you doing? Get back in bed!" He said sitting up in the huge California king bed.

"Naah I'll be in one of the guest rooms, don't worry about me! You never do anyways." I said my voice slightly cracking.

I didn't ask for much from Nathan, all I want is his time, his undivided attention, his love and for him to not have me looking stupid. Guess that's way too much to ask for.

"Steph?" I called out after she picked up the phone.

"Yeah, what's wrong why are you crying girl?"

"I-It's.." I tried to choke out.

"Is it Nathan? Again?" She asked sighing.

"Yeah, I-I mean all I want is his time and attention! Is that a lot? L-Like is it my fault? Am I e-exaggerating? I feel like maybe he doesn't love me as much as I love him! I don't know!" I said as sobs rocked my body, I need to stop taking those pills, I am way too emotional.

"Amber, I'm sure he doesn't mean it, he doesn't even know what he's doing, listen get some sleep and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Ok. Fine this why I love you." I said putting my head against the pillow.

"Love you too." She said chuckling then hung up.


"Nathan!!!!" I yelled through out the huge house. I walked into the bedroom to fund it empty. He was gone again.

I went to the shower and got ready for work. I came out the shower and put on some light washed jeans, a dark blue and white dress shirt and a dark blue blazer. I tried to brush my hair back and off my shoulders while slipping in to my suede dark blue pointed toe pumps, multitasking is a bitch.
I grabbed my briefcase and handbag and made my way to work. I wasn't much of a breakfast person.

*Nathan's pov.*

"What did you do to my best friend last night!?" Steph asked as soon as my feet hit the top floor.

"Steph do not antagonize me  today." I said calmly making my way to my office.

I'm pretty sure Amber was mad at me but what am I supposed to do? I have back to back meetings and conference calls, she just had to understand that.

"She was crying her eyes out!" Steph said folding her arms and planting her feet infront if my desk.

"Probably didn't take her meds, are you done Steph?" I asked eyeing her, she need to be doing her job and stop worrying about my love life.

"Just remember that you proposed to her, not their other way around." She said walking out of my office finally.

Maybe I should go to that interview, she seemed pretty adamant about going last night. And maybe I was working too much. Nope. I'm not, this wedding is about to cost me over a million dollars, even though that's really not a lot, I just wanna know that I'll make it back in no time.

You know what I'm just gonna go home a little early today, do the interview and she'll be over it. Hopefully.


*Amber's pov.*

I threw my heels down inside the shoe closet and walked by Nathan on the bed.

Wait!? Nathan!?

"Nathan!?" I yelled jumping on him. "You're home early?" I asked hugging him and looking into his eyes.

"Yea, I'm sorry for the way I've been towards you and I will do the interview tomorrow." He said putting one arm around my waist as the other tilted my head up. "I love you Amber." He said leaning in for a kiss.

I kissed his nose and watched as his face scrunched up. "This does not solve anything, pretty boy." I said sashaying to the bathroom.

"Come on babe." He whined. Ha he's a whiner.

"Nope, but come on, help me take this weave out and I'll forgive you," I said grabbing a pair of scissors for him.

"Do I have to?" He asked but quickly shut his mouth when I gave him a 'boy if you don't'  look.

Works every time. 🙃


A/n: *places a pineapple in my chair and runs*

So I'm trying to end this book! I am! This is the longest chapter I ever wrote in this book whew!
Yeah, so one more chapter left! Then the epilogue and sequel info. I won't be doing a regular sequel so follow that up! Hope you enjoyed. Please vote comment and Follow moi!!

Fun fact: I like to sleep my life away. 🙂

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