Think About Their Future

Start from the beginning

After work I texted Spencer to meet me with the kids at Emily and Alison's house tonight. I made her think I was working a few extra hours but really I just wanted to go talk with Emily and Alison about adopting. 

"Hi officer Cavanaugh." Alison said when she opened the door.

"Hi Alison. Is Emily home?" I asked

"No, She went to help Spencer about 2 hours ago." Alison said

"Is everything alright with Spencer?" I asked

"Spencer called Emily and she was crying over the phone about how she was having trouble handling both kids alone." Alison said

"Spencer has been extra stressed these past few months. I think she is having first time mom breakdown even though We already had a kid before JT was born." I said

"You might want to be around more to help Spencer out with the kids then." Alison said

"I try my best. I have a job and it's very demanding but also very important to Rosewood." I said

"What did you come over here for anyway when you should have just gone home to your wife and kids?" Alison asked

"I found 2 babies for you and Emily to adopt." I said

"Wait Cavanaugh, Emily and I only said we wanted to adopt in our future together like after college and after Emily has a few more years competing in swimming. What made you think we wanted to adopt now?" Alison asked

"There are two babies that are in need of a home asap. If you and Emily don't want to adopt then at least foster the babies until they find the perfect home." I said

"Fine Cavanugh, whatever you say goes since you are the one in the Rosewood PD uniform." Alison said

"Alison, I'm not currently on duty so you really don't have to call me officer Cavanaugh." I said

"It turns out Toby that I like calling you officer Cavanaugh. You should be happy that I gave you a good nickname." Alison said

It wasn't long before Spencer and everyone else showed up to Emily and Alison's house. Everyone was there including Hanna, Caleb, and baby Deylia as well as Jason and his 2 year old twin girls. I got a moment to talk with Emily because I think she will be more willing to adopt the twins then Alison seemed.

"Emily, I talked to Alison earlier and I told her about newborn twins that needed a home." I said

"You want us to adopt them?" Emily asked

"Yes, if that's what you want or you can just foster them until they find a home." I said

"Toby this is amazing. I really want to adopt these twins." Emily said

"That's great except Alison didn't seem that interested so you are going to have to convince her." I said

"I can do that." Emily said

"Thanks for helping Spencer out this afternoon." I said

"No problem, I understand that you got a few extra hours at work but Spencer really want your help with Rochelle and JT." Emily said

"Actually I wasn't working overtime. I was here talking to Alison about the twins who needed a home." I said

Of course Spencer had to hear me.

"You lied to me Toby." Spencer Yelled

"I didn't lie Spence, I just didn't tell you what I was doing and you assumed I was working a few extra hours." I Yelled

"Whatever you really did after you got off work I'm just glad it wasn't with Yvonne." Spencer Yelled

"Spence, You really need to stop that Jealous act when you know nothing is going on between Yvonne and I." I Yelled

"If nothing's going on then how come Aria said she saw you and her at the Brew today flirting with each other." Spencer Yelled

"Yvonne and I were just eating lunch together. Relax Spence it wasn't a date. You know I would never cheat on you." I Yelled

"If it wasn't a date then who payed because if you payed for her then Yvonne is going to think it was a date Toby." Spencer Yelled

"Yvonne payed for her lunch and I still owe Aria $10 back for my lunch." I Yelled

"Why did Aria pay for your lunch Toby?" Spencer Yelled

"I left my wallet in the police car and Aria said not to worry about it but I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't pay her back." I Yelled

"I'm done with this fight Toby." Spencer yelled

After Spencer and I were done with the conversation or argument, whatever that was I decided to give Aria the money that she should of had earlier.

"I heard you and Spence fighting, Is everything ok?" Aria asked

"It will be by later tonight. I will fix things with Spencer as soon as we get back to the apartment." I said

"Let Spencer be jelous over Yvonne. It's not going to be long before Spencer realizes nothing is going on between you two." Aria said

"Before I forget Aria, I wanted to give you the $10 I owe you." I said

"Thank you Toby. Your right Ezra was pretty mad at me when he found out I let you leave the Brew without paying." Aria said

Spencer and I went home to the apartment a short time later. Rochelle was tired so she fell asleep easy. JT took a little more time but he is unlikely to sleep through the night so Spencer and I have to take all the time we can get. I thought Spencer was going to say no to sex like she has before when she was upset but tonight she didn't. I hope that means Spencer forgives me.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Next chapter is going to be September. Maybe more of Aria and Ezra working together but other then that I'm not sure what's in the next chapter yet.

Thank you for reading. Voting and Commenting would be great as well.

If you have any questions about this story just ask in the comments or in a inbox message.

Sorry for taking longer to update this story and some of my other stories as well.

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