Laurence x Reader // Invisible To You PT. 2

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Well....... I felt like writing so here i am writing. - Lena.


"Never let your guard down."

That is the one rule that I have followed all my life. Well, all my life after Laurence broke my heart. It's quite natural when all your life you've been the so-called "wrong girl" or so they say.

I've been living in O'khasis for the past 8 years. I worked as the second-hand guard and have seen all the work Phoenix Drop had been doing these past years. I have to say, they have greatly improved on resources and population. But though O'khasis is cruel, it's better than Phoenix Drop.

I also heard Aphmau got pregnant, Garroth went crazy all over again but soon calmed down, and for Laurence, I don't know. All I heard was after Aphmau got the relic and the baby absorbed it, the just- disappeared, all of us sudden. So as Sasha, and Michi.

I've got to say, sometimes I wonder wherIe he actually is. But I know that it will remain a mystery. Nobody's looking for him, neither am I, so the hopes of finding him aren't looking too good. I always theorized where he was. Maybe he went to another village and had a family, or he was just on a mission and got lost. Or, maybe, out of rage, he went back to the Nether in a fit of rage because of Aphmau's baby.

"Y/N." I heard a voice behind me instruct. It was of course, the Tu'la King, Sir Andrew. As the second-hand guard, he expected me to be as good as the first-hand guard(his name was Danny, and he was a tad obnoxious with his job.) And if I was better, I'd be first. It was the expectations that pressured me, scared me in fact.

"Yes, sir?" I turned around to face him. I had been walking through the village, doing my daily rounds as Danny was in charge of the prisoners. King Andrew was a bit overboard cruel with prisoners, so he thought Danny would be right for the job. That's why I liked not being first.

"There are shadow knights taken in just now around the outskirts of O'khasis, Danny is busy so take care of them." He said. "You know what to do." And I did. He left, and I started walking at an average pace towards the jail cells.

The jail cells were noisy, and it was accepted. They were prisoners waiting for their death, of course they'd thrash and scream. There were 10 levels. 1 being the least gruesome or least serious crimes. At the first floor, there was 1. The level matched its rating, so it was self-explanatory.

Shadow knights were being kept at an unknown level, the basement. That's where shadow souls and shadow knights were kept. The bars were made out of a different substance, so that they couldn't get out.

I walked down the stairs to the cells. We usually executed the shadow knights as soon as we could, so I knew the ones that King Andrew were talking about were the only ones here.

Or should I say shadow knights.

Only one lone man was sitting there. His wrists tied, and head facing the floor. I could sense his despair as he awaited for death. His hair was light brown, and his skin was slightly tan. How familiar, I thought. I stood in front of the cell, gun in hand, and foot tapping on the floor. But what came next was shocking.

Those so, so familiar green eyes are what triggered the electricity to run through me.

It was Laurence Zvahl. The boy I had loved, keyword being; loved. He looked exactly the same, only paler and he looked tired. Not exactly visible to the public eye, but if you get close enough it would be obvious.

"Laurence." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear me. The hidden shock in his eyes signaled that he recognized me as well.

"Well, well. Look who it is." He narrowed his eyes. "Y/N L/N. You became second-hand guard, didn't you? I knew you would betray Phoenix Drop like this."

My answer was in a cold and monotone voice. But if you'd listen hard enough, you could detect I was being pulled apart in the inside. "I didn't betray them. They betrayed me, including you. And speaking of you, you betrayed them as well. Don't be such a hypocrite, Laurence Zvahl."

He smirked. "I think you have a point."

"Heck yeah, I have a point. I wasn't the one who went back to the Nether, wasn't I?"

He scoffed. "At least I didn't break hearts."

I laughed, humorless and emotionless. "Speaking of which, you were the one who broke my heart. Don't forget that. You don't know how it felt like."

An awkward silence overcomed us. The memories of the past were filling me with memories, and it was tearing me apart, slowly and painfully.

"So," he began. "What are you waiting for? Aren't you gonna kill me?" My senses were awakened, and I held the gun up. I pointed it to him, and just as I triggered the bullet, it began missing and shooting back at me.

He laughed maniacally. "You don't think I can't avoid that, do you?" The look on my face was his answer. "You did? You foolish little girl."

He released a gas which made me pass out to the floor.

A/N There will be a part 3, peeps. Stay tuned.

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