Do you for a little while, and watch your glo 😌

"Who's making you smile over there?" She tried to peep across the table.

Leaning back, she pulled her phone to her chest, "Nosey ass. It's just Payne, you remember? I had that shoot today."

"Oh yeah, how'd that go?"

"It's was really fun. Just add that to my résumé." She opened the menu just as the waitress came from the back.

"Hi, I'll be your server today. Would you like for me to start you with something to drink?"

Both nodded and placed their drink orders with no appetizers. They continued on their conversation after she returned with their drinks and placed their lunch orders.

Cydney pulled up snap chat on her phone and started recording.

"With my main for lunch," She flipped the camera around on Hazel who stuck her tongue out. Laughing, she flipped The camera back around to her and the video ended. Captioning it with a few heart eyes, she posted it.

"So how you feeling, for real this time." Hazel started up just as their food was sat down right in front of them.

Mouth watering from the smell of the four cheese corkscrew pasta and the grilled club sandwich on the plate she only nodded her head, indicating 'fine' was her answer.

"Really now?"

"I've been fine every time you asked me." She rolled her eyes before taking a bite of her grilled club sandwich.

Knowing that, that's her blood and she cared for her, Cydney clearly disliked the fact that Hazel asked her how she was doing every day since they left Miami.

A lot of shit hit the fan but Cydney had convinced herself that she wasn't phased the least bit. In her mind she saw it coming so why dwell on it? But she failed to think about if she saw it coming, why didn't she prevent it?

"Okay.. but let's be real for a moment. How do you feel?" She asked again.

Ignoring her question, "How are you and Chris? Are y'all fine?"

"Actually were not, since I know how to be real," she rolled her eyes.

Cydney ignored the shade that was being thrown as she began to listen to her while eating her pasta.

"Distance is a killer and its not like he can just fly here. He's a big ass celebrity so he's always on the go. I haven't seen his face outside of my phone since we were in LA. I can never tell if he feels the same since he's so guarded. I met his daughter, which is a big step in my opinion, and now I can't hold a two minute conversation with his yellow tail."

She paused taking a bite out of her burger and Cydney felt for her in a way. Every relationship had problems, nobody could be excluded.

"I feel really disrespected." She replied pertaining to my own issues.

"Go on," Hazel rooted. All she wanted was for her to talk finally, her own problems were less important to her at the moment.

"He allowed hisself to get that far... If he says he loves me he wouldn't have allowed to. Something had to be up for her to think she could just go right for his lips," She shook her head, "he never would've fell asleep with her basically on his lap," she raised her voice some causing people to look their way.

Book 1: She's a Keeper | August Alsina (fin)Where stories live. Discover now