Mangle's Distant Cousin And A Friend

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(The drawing on the top I drew that)

Bonnie p.o.v

I was in a party room with teddy,ninka,mangle,and my mom. We were just talking until we heard a knock on the front door.

"I wonder who that can be " i said standing up to open the door

When I opened it there was a pink and white fox with a star over her right eye and she had a ponytail and she had green and blue eyes. She also had a gray dog with green eyes and green tips on her hair and ears.

"Hi I'm candy the fox and this is Shae the dog"she said

"Hi I'm bonnie the bunny how may I help" I asked kindly

"Nice to meet you I came to see mangle,she's my distant cousin "she said

"Oh well then follow me I can take you with her"I said letting them in

They entered and followed me like I told them.

"Wait here"I told them

They nodded.

"Hey guys um mangle you have a visitor"I said

They both came in and mangle got up from her seat and hugged them .

Freddy's p.o.v

I woke up in a dark room and I couldn't see anything. Both of my hands were chained to the wall together. I tried calling for my friends but no one heard me.

"Oh Freddy calling for your friends won't work,its actually pretty much useless"I heard someone say

"Who's there "I asked in fear

"(Giggles) I can't believe he doesn't remember your voice or you " someone else said

"Please just let me go,I don't know who you are and I can't even see anything "I said

"I'm just a bear that's your brother and this is just a bunny that's your bunny's sister" said a bear who was coming out the shadows with a bunny behind him

"No not you no no stay away from me"I yelled

"Hehe I see you haven't gotten over the fear that you have for me,why do you even fear me huh"the bear asked

"You tor"I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth

"You don't have to say more because I'm pretty sure I know what your going to say dear brother"the bear said

I started shaking and crying tears running down my cheek.

"Aww now that's no fun he start crying " the bunny said

"I guess your right shabby "the bear said

Shabby thats the nickname for shadow bonnie.

"I know I am shadow " shabby said

That's the nickname for shadow Freddy. Shadow took his hand off of my mouth and put it on my ear.

"Oh look his ear is broken why don't we fix that" shadow said with an evil grin on his face

It was a lie my ear wasn't broken,it was perfectly fine. He then grabbed it and pulled it out. Oil started coming down my side.
He then buried his claws on my forehead and started coming down towards my right eye,he past my eye and stopped at my cheek. A lot of oil came down my right side. He also did the same thing to my chest and legs. I kept yelling and crying because it hurt so much.

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