Confessing And a Kiss of Fun

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Bonnie p.o.v

After performing for the kids. It was closing time. I got off of the stage. I was thinking about freddy. So I thought of talking to someone about my feelings. I went to the kitchen and found teddy (me) and golden .

"Hey guys what you doing" I said

"Nothing" teddy said

"Can I talk to you guys about something" I asked

Both of them "sure"

"Well its about Freddy " I said

"What about him"golden said

"Well I really really like him more like love him" I said

"Why" teddy asked

"He's very cute , I love the way he is , his voice is so dreamy, I can't stop thinking of him,and my heart beats fast when I'm around him" I answered

"I don't know if I should tell him " I said

"Well we know freddy pretty well so we know he won't yell at you and you should tell him how you feel " golden said

"Are you sure"I asked

"Of course what can go wrong"they said

"OK bye" I said

They waved good bye and I walked out.

Golden p.o.v

After bonnie went out the door I decided to have a little fun with teddy here. So I grabbed her bow tie and I kissed her on the lips. She pushed away from the kiss.

"Why did you do that " she asked

"Look i don't have a crush on you but I just wanted to have a little fun" I said

She knew what I meant so she jumped on me and I fell to the ground. She leaned closer and she whispered "you better not say that again or i will do worst than jumping on you and making you fall. I just said OK and she got up and helped me get up.

Freddy p.o.v

I was playing with my microphone and then I heard foot steps and they stopped right in front of me. I looked up and it was bonnie.

"Hi bonnie " I said

"Hi freddy can I speak with you "I said

"Sure " I said

"Well I -I- I - I l-l-lo -lov " bonnie mumbled

"I love you too bonnie" I said

Bonnie p.o.v

I can't believe it. He likes me too. I couldn't handle it that I just kissed him on the lips.(10 minutes later)we broke the kiss.

"Bonnie will you be mine forever and I'll promise to protect you and take care of you " Freddy asked

"I would love to be yours Freddy " I said in joy

Then we kissed again

Teddy's p.o.v

I was walking down the hallway until someone push me into the wall and kissed me. My eyes were close because I felt pain but when I opened my eyes it was golden again. I pushed away and ask him why he did it this time and he said that I already knew why. I got so mad that I jumped on him making him fall and twisted his arm. He just started laughing in pain. I slapped him so he can stop laughing. He just looked at my red eyes. Then I felt myself falling side ways until I hit the floor. Golden was on top of me.

"Golden what are you doing get off me"I said

"Sorry but this time I'm not letting you stop me from having a little
fun with you" he said

Then he just leaned close and kissed me. I tried to push away but he wouldn't let me. The kiss started getting deeper and deeper. Until I had nothing to do so I just gave in. I started kissing back. He broke the kiss and start kissing and biting my neck. Which I started moaning and pulling on his fur. Then I sat up and I stopped him and told him that this isn't right. He loved SpringTrap not me. He said sorry and that I was right he did love Springtrap so he just asked if he can continue by kissing me more. I said OK and I leaned over for a kiss. But instead he pushed me back so I can lay down and he started kissing me.

Me: well that was weird finally golden stop kissing me

Golden comes in and starts kissing me again.

Springtrap: but I thought you loved me

Golden breaks the kiss

Me: help me spring

Golden: I do love you but can I at least have a little fun with teddy

Springtrap: OK bye

Golden: bye

Me: no spring don't leave

(I was on the wall because golden pushed me there)

Golden holds my hands on the wall.

Golden: now where were we

Me:we were in the part that you leave and I continue talking to the readers

Golden: no we weren't (start kissing me)

(Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chap and if your wondering how I'm still talking even if someone is still kissing me I'm talking to you from my mind well bye)

(Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chap and if your wondering how I'm still talking even if someone is still kissing me I'm talking to you from my mind well bye)

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