The Wedding

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Three months later

Americas POV

      Today's the day. The day I get married to Maxon. The day where we get to start spending the rest of our days together. I love Maxon more than anything. He's so sweet these past few weeks he's been talking to the babies whispering words to them. How he loves them so much, and how he can't wait for them to come and be able to love them and hold them. He told them yesterday how pretty I was and how he's so lucky to have me and they have the prettiest mom ever. It makes me happy to hear him say words like that to me, and it makes me horny. I don't think Maxon minds though. I have a baby bump of where they are and dr. Montgomery said I should be able to feel them move and shift. But I haven't been able to yet, Maxon takes me to meet the doctor every other day so he can see them and hear their heartbeats.

      Maxon told me yesterday were going on a honeymoon and he keeps telling me small things like the food we'll eat by the sunset and stuff but he won't tell me where we're going. It's torturing me. I keep begging but he says no.

My maids are preparing me for the wedding I've taken a shower and I've waited so long to get married. I miss Kota though. I always thought if I got married dad would walk me down the isle. And after he died I thought Kota would but that didn't happen either. It's sad I miss them. Aspen is walking me down the isle today and I will marry Maxon with no regrets.

To the wedding

I'm walking down the isle and I'm afraid I'll trip or fall, but I don't know how to not flip out, Maxon calms me down with this stuff and he's at the isle. When I get to the top Maxon immediatly grabs my hands like he needed them because he was worried like I was. I smiled. I stared into Maxon's eyes and I didn't hear a word until Maxon said 

"I do." He smiled.

"Do you America singer take King Maxon to have and to hold through sickness and in health to be your royal husbandness." The priest asked.

"I do." I said and Maxon smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride."

That's all I needed Maxon grabbed my face and pulled his lips on mine. I pulled the back of his neck closer to me and his hands were stuck glued on my waist. Then I remembered people are watching so I pulled away and Maxon smiled and pecked my lips, and grabbed my hand and walked me down the isle. When we get in it Maxon pulls me to him and I kiss him full force. He moves his lips along mine then guides me into his lap. This wedding dress is so big but I don't think Maxon minds. He trails kisses down my neck and he finds the spot he knows I love and sucks lightly. I moan. I pull my hands in his hair and he sucks deeper and I a moaning mess. He lets go and kisses me again. Then he pulls back.

"I I think we should wait until the honeymoon instead of a car for our first time as a married couple." Maxon obviously struggling to stop now. I nod and Maxon wiggles his head into the space between my neck and sholder and kisses it, resting his head there with me still on his lap. I close my eyes.

Maxon's Mistake COMPLETEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora