Chapter 2

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8 Months and 24 days later Americas POV

"Hit me, lazy ass bartender." I yell to him as he struggles to get me another drink even though I've probably had enough. I'm at the point where I don't even care if I don't have a ride home. I'll just find Celeste. She doesn't drink but she knows I get out of control so she comes with me every time I get drunk. Or high. Or both. I see someone out of the corner of my eye and they pull me out of the room. I see an angry Celeste. Yay I was so glad she had to come and bother me from my drink. Note the sarcasm.

"I have a test tomorrow unlike you I have a life so we're leaving." She says while grabbing my arm. She takes me to her car and I get a cigarette out of my pocket and light it. Celeste used to hate it when I smoke but then she figured out I smoke to get my mind off of certain people, meaning Maxon, and the fact that I can't stop myself anymore. It doesn't mean she still hates it when I smoke though I just get a dirty look. When I exhale she grabs it out of my mouth and throws it out the window. Her phone rings and before Celeste reaches to grab her phone I grab it and pick it up. Clearly still annoyed she threw my cigarette out the window.

"Hello." The voice says and I know who it is. Its Sylvia by the perky annoying voice she has. Funny I remember not too long ago how I thought she was a good instructor. Now she's kind well not kind of she's very annoying.

"America is that you." She asked practically laughing. Her voice gets squeaky when it's excited. Man now I wish I let Celeste have the phone.

"Yeah it's me. How are you?" I asked in amusement so Celeste can clearly see I'm mimicking her. I take back my cigarette only to remember Celeste threw it out. So I do what any reasonable person would do and grab another.

"I'm good. I need to ask you if you're Are you still going to be Kriss's maid of honor." She asks. I put the phone on speaker so Celeste can listen to the conversation. And I exhale my cigarette. Then I see my scars and I get shivers looking at them so I cover them with long sleeves. So I don't have to face them.

"Yes she is in fact we were just talking about that." Celeste says. Trying to take the cigarette away from me.

"Sylvia will you tell America to quit smoking." She says while she takes my cigarette pack, and tries it out the window.

"You're an ass I can't believe you did that." I say and I blow smoke in front of her face.

"America are you smoking." She asks in a motherly tone.

"Yes. She is and she won't stop. She smokes like a chimney." Celeste answers for me. Bitch.

"America quit smoking. Celeste quit caring. Back to business America are you gonna be Kriss's maid of honor?"

"Yeah sure." I answer I'm starting to slur my words.

"Didn't Kriss tell me to be a bridesmaid." Celeste asks. She looks mad but I don't know why.

"Yes look we need you to come to the castle today can you do that."

"Yeah." Celeste answers. Looking at me.

"Good see you then." Sylvia ends the call and Celeste looks at me.

"Don't look at me because apparently I smoke like a chimney." I say and Celste just rolls her eyes and we drive to Angeles.


Part one there will be more

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