"yeah, b, maybe someday i'll find someone as great as dallon, who'll cry when they find out they're my soulmate," he said sarcastically.

"oh shit," i remembered, "dallon, i-i gotta call him," i sat up quickly looking around for my phone.

once i found it i opened the lock screen.

(3)missed calls from:DAL (◕‿◕✿)

(3)voicemails from:DAL (◕‿◕✿)

"shit," i muttered, running a shaky hand through my hair, "ry i gotta-"

"go ahead, he's your soulmate after all," ryan said with a sad smile.

i listened to the voicemails first.

"bren, hey," he paused and i heard some moving around "i'm sorry for what happened, i really want to- need to talk to you. please call me back."

he sounded more desperate by the second, "brendon, you understand what's going on- i know you do. brendon i need your help, i don't understand who i am or what's going on in my mind and i know you can help me figure it out so please, call me."

"b-bren?" he was crying, he didn't speak for a while, just sobbed and occasionally hiccuped into the phone, which for some reason i found oddly adorable, "i'm scared brendon. i just started c-crying and i don't know wh-y-y. i don't know what's happening, i-i want to talk to you but i also despise even thinking of y-you. brendon we're soulmates and i don't even know if i'm gay." he paused again and drew in a shuddering breath, "brendon i...i need you to call me or text me or something. goodnight."

i clicked on his name and my phone started to call him, i put it on speaker since ryan was there with me. it rung three times before he picked up.

"i hate you! you're a fucking asshole and i never want to talk to you again, and i'd rather die than be your soulmate-"

"no, dal please-" i sputtered

"oh don't 'dal please' me, i needed you and you weren't there! i'm terrified over here, i don't know who i am anymore and it's all your fault so fuck you Urie-" i smirked at his choice of words.

"oh please do, Weekes," i heard ryan giggle a little from next to me.

"i'm not fucking around, i-i don't want to see you anymore-" ryan pulled the phone from my hands.

"listen here, fucker," ryan spat, then looking nervously at me, waiting for me to snap at him, i just shrugged for him to go on.

"what are you mad about, the fact that b didn't call you back because he was in the fucking hospital. yeah thats right, he has a totally reasonable excuse and you're more worried about yourself than him? you start off yelling at him, not even a 'how are you feeling b?' or 'does your head still hurt?' no? you're worried because you think you deserve better right? you're thinking 'why am i stuck with this boy?' when in reality i'm over here thinking about how b deserves better than you, if anyone here is an asshole it's you," ryan finished, taking a deep breath and looking over to me. my mouth was agape, i would have never expected him to do that. suddenly dallon's voice rang from the phone.

"listen up faggot- oh god, oh my god i'm- i didn't mean to say that,"

"what did you mean than?" i asked in a gruff voice.

"i just- i don't want to see you, for a while okay? you're an asshole and i really have to reevaluate my life," then the line went dead.

☥ ☥ ☥

i laid in ryan's bed all sprawled out, he was taking a shower. i decided to send a quick text to Dallon.

Bren: hey, i may be an asshole, but i'm your asshole, remember?

Bren: wait that sounded weird

Bren: i'd like you to be in my asshole though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

suddenly the door slammed open and ryan stood there, dripping wet and completely naked. his eyes were wide and he still had soap in his hair but he had the biggest smile.

"ryan what the fuck, are you on crack?" i asked, sitting up.

"b, look!" he exclaimed, ignoring my comment and holding out his wrist, in small black marker it said 'hello?' right on his forearm, "someone's there b, someone is really there!"



also sorry about all the ryan in this chapter but ryan slays so gtfo and i'm really not sorry at all.

i got Oli to finally update but then i got so excited that i wrote this entire fucking chapter in like an hour so also sorry about that.

i love you all, don't do drugs.


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