After begging she allowed it, just once.

You had to balance these plates on one arm, in order to open the door to the bed room.

Once you did you were almost tackled down by a panicking jellybaby.

Luckily, you were stable enough to grab the other plate before it fell to the ground as the Kwami snugged its self at the crook of you're neck making you laugh at the ticklish feeling.

You entered your room and quickly closed the door using your foot.

" Well Good Morning too you too, Clear." You said placing the plates on the table agaisnt the bed.

You gently grabbed the jellybaby and placed him by the plate of Macaroons.

" Aren't you energetic in the morning." You smiled as you grabbed a biscuit and munched on it.

" I woke up and Master wasn't there. I was worried." Clear said so innocently.

Your heart clenched at the cuteness of the Kwami.

" Dont worry, Clear. I will always be here by your side. Now eat up." You said moving away towards your closet.

Your phone suddenly started buzzing.

(1) New Message

You decided to see who was texting you so early in the morning.

With a swipe, you opened your messages.

From: (***)6778-7789

Message: Hello, this is Nathanaël! Don't think this is creepy. But, I wanted to know if you wanted to walk together to school?

You tilt your head to the side. It was still an hour early before school started. Though, it would be a nice change to walk to school. You will have to tell Kevin not to drop you off.

From: (Y/N)

Reply: Sure. But it's still early before school start. Where do you want to meet up?

You placed your phone down.

" Who's Nathanaël?" Clear asked as he was hovering right over your shoulder with a half eaten vanilla Macaroon in his tiny arms.

" A friend." You replied as you decided to once again look for your outfit for today.

" Oh.. like that Adrian boy? Dont you like hi-" Clear was cut off as you threw a (Your favorite colour) T-Shirt at him.

You smirked as the little critter tried to untangle itself from the large fabric.

" Whoop.. my hand slipped." You said as you went back to looking for that (Your Second Favorite Colour) sleeveless Hoodie.

Clear huffed as he finally popped his head out, " Oh Im sorry.. I mean, you like that kitty boy, right?"

You rolled your eyes as you ignored the jellybaby who giggled to himself.

But you couldn't deny the flush red blush that spread from your cheeks to your ears.

After five minutes, you finally found that sleeveless Hoodie.

There was a knock at the door, you quickly glanced at Clear who dove behind the curtains to hide.

" Come In." You called.

Kevin opened the door, " Good morning, (Y/n). Getting ready for school? I'll be ready in ten, then we can go." He smiled.

" Uh.. on the other hand.. I think im going to walk today, Kevin. Thank you though." You said.

Kevin stared at you which in your opinion looked like a kicked puppy face.

" Are you sure? I don't mind driving you to school." He said.

You had to look away, " Uh.. Im gonna walk with a friend to school. I promised him. But erm.. you can pick me up after, I'll get you a call."

Kevin sighed and sadly nodded, before leaving your room.

' UGH!! NOW I FEEL SO GUILTY! ' You shouted in your mind.

Clear zoomed right back towards your side, " He looked so sad."

" I know.." you mumbled and turned to go get ready.


You stood outside from your home. Clear was hiding in your hoodie.

You stared down at your phone. You and Nathanaël were texting, he decided to come to you.

As you stood there, a Limo came pulling up beside you and the window slowly rolled down revealing a familiar blonde.

Adrian smiled brightly at you, ' Good Morning, (Y/n)! What are you doing standing there? Need a ride to school?" He asked.

You shook your head, " Im sorry. Im actually waiting for Nathanaël. We were going to walk to school together."

Adrian's smiled seemed to almost flatten a bit. " Why don't I join you then? I do enjoy a nice walk."

You smiled and gave a nod. " Sure."

Adrien's P.O.V

Adrien was sort of glad that Nathalie wasn't going to be  chaperoning him to school. It seemed the mansion security was under maintenance and she was required to stay back and manage it all.

As the driver drove down the same route, he noticed a familiar figure standing around at the side walk.

Adrien heart almost skipped a beat, as he stared at (Y/n) through the tinted windows.

" Driver! Please! Pull over." Adrien said.

(Y/n) stared curiously at the limo, and Adrien resisted the urge to snap a picture at that curious face (Y/n) made.

Adrien rolled down the window, " Good Morning, (Y/n)! What are you doing standing there? Need a ride to school?" He asked. He really hoped (Y/n) would accept the offer.

Alone time with (Y/n) made him nervous yet excited. This is what it felt like to be in love and having a crush.

" Im sorry, Im actually waiting for Nathanaël. We were going to walk to school together." (Y/n) said as he shook his head.

Adrian felt his heart clench.

Adrien had to relax himself, surely this spark of jealousy will disappear.

' They're just friends.. just friends...' Adrien thought to himself keeping himself from breaking his coolness.

" Why don't I join you then? I do enjoy a nice walk." He suddenly said.

(Y/n) smiled, " Sure."

Adrien admit. He was acting rather childishly, wanting to be besides (Y/n) and make sure Nathanaël doesn't make any moves.

Nathanaël was a good guy! Really, he was. But, he sorta had this crush first and eyes on (y/n) first. He wasn't going to give up that easily.

' I'm still working on getting him to fall for me..' Adrian thought to himself as he gotten out of the car.

A/N:  Im sorry for the late update. My tablet broke so I had to wait in order to buy a new one from Amazon.

Anyhoo- Thank you for the support c: Im glad you all enjoy my story, but yah all better buckle up. Cause you're all going to go for one crazy ride!!

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