When I walked in there was Ava, her hair back in place barefoot pacing in my sweatshirt and her skirt. I was a little disappointed when I noticed her bra was back on and not where I had thrown it. She had her arms crossed over her cheast and was biting one of her nails.

She turned and noticed me. I wanted to kiss her, she looked so damn cute.

"They hate me don't they?" she asked biting her lip.

"No baby, they don't hate you" I said walking over to her and wrapping her in my arms. "They actually want us to come down so they can properly meet my girlfriend"

"They think I'm some kind of hussy don't they?" she said into my chest.

"No of course not. Now let's get down there so they can fall in love with you as much as I have"

We both froze as the words left my mouth. Did I just say that out loud? Did I love her? Was it too soon?

"Jace? Did you just say that you loved me?" She asked looking up at me searching my face for answers. "Did you mean it?"

I couldn't speak I just kept looking down at her. I knew that I would end up loving her one day. I just never expected it to come out this way, I thought I would be more romantic when the time came. When she started to pull away I realized I had been quiet for too long. And the look of hurt that crossed her face broke my heart. She was pulling away from me as the first tear came to her eye. I grabbed her and brought her tight against my chest, I might have been a little too rough, but i was not going to let her walk away.

"Yes" I stated tilting her face up so I could look into her eyes. I needed her to understand "Yes, I said it and yes I meant it. I love you Ava. I really do love you. I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out this way. Just blurting it out like that. I know it's probably too soon. I never thought it could happen this fast. I wanted it to be romantic may take you out you know have you at a"

"Shut up Jace"


"I said 'shut up'. I love you too" She beamed up at me.

"You do?" I asked, she just nodded and kept smiling, new happy tears coming to her eyes. I was on cloud nine. I picked her up and swung her around.

"Jace" she giggled. "Put me down you are going to hurt yourself, I'm too..."

"I set her down, "Don't you dare finish that sentence"

"But Jace I am"

"No you are not. You are beautiful and amazing and sexy as all hell. And any one who can't see that is blind. I do love you, every single part of you. Ok?"

"Ok" I couldn't hold back any longer I bent down and kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her again and lifted her up so we were eye to eye. She smiled into the kiss, and wrapped her legs around my hips.

My little friend jumped to life again not forgetting what Ava had started to do earlier. I moaned and brought her to the couch laying her down with me on top. I continued to kiss her as i slid my hand up her thigh. When I reached under her skirt she gasped and I took the opportunity to slide my tongue into mingle with hers. I was just about to start pulling them down when there was a pounding on my door followed by:

"Jace you better not be doing what we think you are doing. Leave the poor girl alone and bring her down to meet us" Jana said through the door.

"Ugh" I grunted. Looking down at Ava her cheeks were flushed and she was biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing. "Later" I promised kissing her time more time. I got up and pulled her with me. I linked out hands then walked us out to meet the girls.

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