2nd: Trump or Hillary?

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Lowkey writing this while watching PLL so forgive me.

I am a teenager, and not old enough to vote, so I haven't been following this election as much as someone who wants to be an educated voter should. That being said, I'm with her.

I did support Bernie when the primaries were going on - from what I'd seen of the candidates, he seemed like the one who matched my policies best. However, since Hillary is the democratic nominee, I'm with her.

The other option is Trump.

Now some people think that they can simply write in the votes for Bernie and he'll win. That is wrong. It will do nothing but hand the election to Trump.

Remember when the democratic vote was split between Nader and Gore and Bush won? I don't, because I wasn't alive, but I know the facts, and some of those facts are that either Hillary wins, or Trump does.

And honestly, Hillary is a strong candidate. She has political scandals, but all politicians cover things up. Only some of them get those things brought to light (and some of them are so minor they're not worth bringing up).

I don't want to argue with people on this, but I will stand for Hillary until she is elected or Trump is elected or the world decides to collectively return to a monarchy, in which case, crown me queen, bitch, and give me a damn tiara.

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