Chapter 6: The Date

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LI wasn't the kind of person to take shît from somebody. So, when gym was over, I went to find Michael. I need to know the reason why he hated me, I just couldn't leave it like this. I spotted him walkingin the halls.

"Hey!" I said, trying to get Michael's attention. I did.

"What the hell do you want?" He started to walk faster, in hopes of trying to get away from me. I struggled to keep up, why was he so tall and I was so short?

"Okay, you have to stop doing that. Stop with that damn attitude. What did I ever do to you? Can we just . . . not hate each other?" I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth, but I tried to believe in Alex's words. 'He's actually pretty cool.'

"You know what I have against you?" He snapped. His green eyes glaring at me, they looked like emeralds. It was weird, seeing such beautiful eyes with hatred.

Um, no, I don't know what you have against me, that's why I asked, I thought. I opened my mouth to say it out loud, but quickly closed it. Smack talking didn't seem like the best idea to do when I can already see the veins bulging out of his head.

Michael continued "You don't even remember! Remember Adam? He's my stepbrother. Or do you just not remember him at all?"

After Adam got left back, he got left back again. And either way we stopped talking after he got left back the first time. He was busy catching up on school, and I was busy making sure my grades were high. I decided not to respond, letting him continue.

"He loved you, but you just ignored him and broke his heart like a bitch!" Michael's voice was low, and we were near the lockers so he didn't attract attention, but each of his words were full of anger.

 I was stunned. I didn't know Adam liked me. He never said anything, and he started dating other girls when we were still friends. I tried to explain this to Michael and by the time I was, done, it was his turn to be stunned. Emotions flashed on his face. Anger, Shock, Suspicion. He probably didn't believe me.

The warning bell rang, I had to get to class. "See you later." I said. I still couldn't believe he was such a jerk in defense of Adam! Thats stupid beyond words. He had no reason to be upset now, so maybe he could just leave me alone.


Michael was right behind me on my way to class. I guess gym isn't the only class he had with me. I don't care anymore though. Pokemon could jump out of a TV screen and Ash and I could become Pokémon Masters. And when that happens, and oh my jesus lord please let it happen, I don't want to be fretting over a boy. I would probably be trying to train a freaking Snorlax.

But for now, all I cared about now was that I got to class on time. And I did! Successssss. Rosie was sitting beside Alex, and there was an empty seat on her other side. Basically the same set up like in art. Michael sat in the back of the room.

Class was actually kind of fun. The teacher, Mr. Ashworth, was really nice and made lots of corny grammar jokes. He also told us how tests were twenty percent of our grade, homework was forty percent, and that projects were also forty percent. I didn't like that part of class so much but besides that it was pretty good.

* * *

I just finished French class. Michael wasn't in this one, so I didn't have to worry about that. Rosie took Latin, and Alex had a free period. I could speak almost fluently in French. I've been taking it since middle school so I didn't have to worry about this class.

By now, you're probably wondering why the flip flop I'm taking all of these classes even though I'm in the music program. Well, I still wasn't sure if I wanted to become a musician, so right now, I'm making sure that I have a wide set of knowledge just in case I really do want to make a career. Who knows, maybe I'll want to be a vet, or maybe even an English teacher.

Rosie is just taking these classes because she can. Although she is in the music department, she has to register after school today and then she would have a slightly different schedule.

When I walked out of the classroom, I saw Michael waiting at the door. This boy . . .

I tried stepping around him, but he blocked me.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Now I know you're upset at me, and you have a right to be. I came here to tell you that I'm sorry." He said. He really did look sad. It was kind of funny, looking at a big, handsome guy looking as sad as a puppy. It was almost comical.

And he's pretty hot.

. . . A lot hot.

Not only are his eyes like emeralds, but he had a good set of brown hair. His face was angular, making him look kind of tough. He was a wide–set guy, with strong muscles, and his abs were defined through his shirt. And God, he was really tall. He was easily over six feet. My neck hurt from looking up at him.

But I was definitely not going to be that girl who swoons at guys. I like that word, swoon  . . .

"I'm sorry, Delilah." He repeated.

"Lily." I replied.

He chuckled, "I'm sorry, Lily."

Hmph. Well, I was the person who said that we should not hate each other. And, when I think about it, he was just trying to stick up for his brother. He wasn't that bad.

Ugh. Why do I always do this? Goddamit, I forgave him in two seconds. Why is he so cute?

I internally scolded myself. Then, my stomach growled."Okay. But for compensation for calling me a bìtch, you owe me a some food." I smiled.

A wide grin popped up on his face. "After school?" He asked.

I was about to agree, but then realized Rosie, Bella, and Jake were going to meet up after Rosie registered. Dammit. I can't cancel on them, I haven't seen Jake or Bella for months.

"Sorry, I have plans today. Tomorrow, maybe?" I asked.

His face fell just a teeny bit, but he obliged. "Totally. It's a date." He said, then walked off.


Wait no.

My stomach betrayed me.

* * *

How about that? Lily is in some deep poop. Will the date turn out to be a success, or will they go back to liking each other. I don't even know. I just thought it would be a good idea.

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With love, Ashley.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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