Chapter 3: Secrets

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Okay . . . what.

The longer I stared at the painting, the more I can see the resemblance. At first, I couldn't really tell, but it was definitely Rosie. But it was still hard to believe it was her. First off, the way Alex drew her, the girl in the painting was so elegant. Rosie, well . . . wasn't.

She could be if she wanted to though, she had the chops for it, but she was really more cool, edgy. Second off, why would Alex paint her in the first place? I mean, Rosie is awesome and everything, but the more I think of it, it feels like they had some history. The wink at the beginning of Bio class, sitting next to her, small flirty gestures, but painting her? That seemed a little excessive for someone you supposedly just met.

This all seemed kind of . . . bizaare to me. The both of us had a lot of guy friends but they wouldn't do something like this. Rosie was never interested in dating someone, at least, that I know of. She never told me anything about her love life. But, she always gave me great advice in the past when I used to like this guy named Adam.

Adam and I hung out a in the nineth grade, and he was really nice and funny. I started to like him, but that changed once he started exchanging saliva with another girl. Rosie cheered me up, and then after awhile we went back to our regular pattern: Going to class, hanging out with some friends at lunch, then hanging out with Adam. I got over him, and we just stayed friends. It didn't matter anyway though because he got left back and he's not even at this school anyway.


Crap, that was the bell. I have to stop getting lost in my thoughts, I just wasted at least five minutes staring at Alex's painting.

I need to find a place to talk to her about this. Maybe I'm just being really delusional and they just get along well. I'll just talk to her about it in lunch or something.

"Class, take your canvases and line them up on the back wall of the room." Alice said.

Feeling slightly stupid and extremely embarrassed, I went back to my spot and grabbed my canvas and leaned it against the wall. Would he think I'm rude now since I just stood there and didn't even acknowledge him? Well, to late to dwell on it, it's not like we even have time to talk at the moment.

But I do need to talk to him about Rosie. But I could also just ask Rosie about it. Wait a sec, I got lunch next, I should just talk to Rosie about it.

* * *

"Hey, where should we sit?" I asked Rosie. I caught up with her in in the hallway and now we were scanning the outdoor cafeteria with our lunches.

"Hmm, let's just go sit under that tree, it has nice shade there." Rosie said, nodding her head to a giant willow tree.

"Okay, do you wanna say hi to the others first?" I asked. Rosie and I are really close, but we had other great friends too, they just had different schedules.

"Hmm, I don't see them, Ana had a different lunch, but I'm not sure about Bella and Jake." Rosie replied. "We'll just meet up with then after school."

I shrugged and we walked over to the tree. Now was the perfect time to ask about Alex. Lunch just began so there was more than a lot of time for her to explain, and everybody else near us wasnt paying attention.

Rosie started eating, and once she took a sip of milk I asked, "What do you think of Alex?"

She choked on her milk.

Well, I have to worry about Alex a bit later. I have to help Rosie now because now she's choking.

I quickly grabbed some napkins and handed them to her, and started patting her back; that's what my parents did when I started coughing a lot.

"You okay?" I asked. Kind of a dumb question, but still worth asking since she was just choking.

"Yeah, sorry, you just surprised me for a second. Why do you ask?" She said.

"Well . . ." I thought a moment, "The fact that he winked at you, maybe that is a little far-fetched since you are pretty, but still. He also sat next to in art, and oh yeah, he actually painted an amazing portrait of you!"

By now Rosie's expression changed from bewilderment to utter embarrassment. She was definitely aware of Alex.

"Lily, do we need to talk about this?" She asked.

My eyes widened. "Oh, well now we definitely have to. You just tried avoiding the subject and now I am extremely curious of what you trying to avoid talking about." I said, with a completely straight face.

Rosie took a deep breath. "You're not gonna let this go are you?"

I nodded.

She took another deep breath. "He's my boyfriend. We've been dating for a month now."


Dun Dun duuun! Rosie got a secret relationshiiip~ Well, it did say in the description that she had a secret so now you know. And sorry, this chapter was pretty short.

Don't be a silent reader and plzzz comment!

With love, Ashley.

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