Chapter 5: Racing

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Both Alex and—whatever his name was—both looked in my direction. They probably noticed that I was gawking at them like a total idiot.

The guy from the hallway looked away, and walked to the other side of the gym. Alex did the exact opposite and walked toward me and Rosie.

"Hey!" Rosie, Alex, and I said in unison. We all chuckled.

"So, uh, who was that guy you were talking to?" I said, trying to sound sound casual.

"Oh, him? He's my cousin, Michael, we're not that close, but he's pretty cool." Alex said, shrugging.
Oh so his name's Michael, wait , COUSINS?!

What. The. Fuck. I have been thinking that a lot today, maybe because today is freaking insane!

"Um Mal, come back to Earth." Rosie said.

"Oh, sorry, I'll let you guys talk." I said, trying to give them privacy.

I walked around the gym, and a few minutes and then a whistle was blown. The gym teacher said a whole speech about gym safety and explained that we were going outside running the track.

Yesssssss. I love running. Maybe to some it sounds like torture, but going to the track is basically a reward to me.

I was on my way to the track, and then panic knotted my stomach. what if I ran near Michael? Ok, I'll just avoid him, it's not a big deal.

I kept jogging, but then someone shoved my shoulder. Hard. I lost my footing and fell down in the middle of the track. I looked up, and Michael was jogging ahead, looking over his shoulder with a disgusting smirk on his face.

My lips curled around my teeth, I felt ballistic. How dare he?! What did I ever do to him? My hands and knees were scraped, and the cuts burned badly. But I didn't care, I'm fricking mad.

I got up, and surveyed the whole track. He wasn't that far. I could easily catch up to him.

I stood up shakily, but I slowly regained my balance. I started jogging slowly, testing my strength. It hurt, but I've suffered a lot worse. I started gaining speed, and in no time, I was a few yards behind him.

"HEY!" I called out. He started to turn his head, but I knew he'd probably just run away. Before I have him the chance, I threw my whole body against him causing us both to fall down.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He glared daggers at me.

"Me? Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I shouldve just accepted the fact that you've been acting like a jackass towards me the entire day! If anything, I should be asking you that question!

"And please, oh please tell me who put a stick up your ass! Okay, fine, give me dirty looks in the hallway. I could've brushed that off. But why the hell did you push me? Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?"

"Why did I push you? You just pushed me!" He countered.

"Only because you started it!"

We were making a scene now. People stopped running and were whispering to each other. In the distance I saw Alex and Rosie jogging towards me and Michael.

I got up, and walked to Rosie. She looked worried, and I don't blame her. We must've given quite the show. I'm surprised the gym coach hadn't noticed.

"What happened?" She asked. "Why were you on the ground? And is that Michael?" She looked past me to see that indeed, it was Michael.

"I don't want to talk about it," I brushed off shorts. "Come on. Let's go."

Alex took this time to intervene. "Uh, Michael what happened?" He asked.

Michael glanced at me for a split second. "Nothing. Just a misunderstanding."

"I'm just confused," Alex replied. "You guys already met?"

"No." I said quickly. "Just bumped right into each other. Isn't that right, Michael?" I said sweetly, flashing a grin.

"Yeah." He said through clenched teeth. He said something else, but in a different language.

Alex decided to break the awkward silence. "Uh, well Delilah, Michael my cousin here is actually my half-cousin. His aunt married my uncle. His side of the family is Italian. That's why we look nothing alike, and why we we don't act alike at all."

Explains so much, wish he told me sooner, but I was grateful for the information anyways.

" I know how to speak Italian," Alex said, "but that's only because I learned I took classes in middle school."

"So what did he say?" I asked.

Alex continued "He was just saying that, well, umm..."

I looked at him patiently.

"He said . . that . . ."


Michael finished the sentence. "That I can't believe a girl like you had the nerve to be so fucking arrogant."

My jaw dropped. He was unbelievable. Rage flowed through my whole being, and I couldn't control it. I closed the space between us and I raised my hand and—

Before I could do anything someone grabbed hold of my arm from behind. I turned my head to see Rosie glaring at me.

"Stupid. Do you want to get suspended on the first day? If you're gonna do something make sure it's not on school grounds! People are watching and they are witnesses. They could be used to prove that you initiated a fight. Be more careful." She dropped my hand and sighed.

"I'm sorry." I felt guilty. She was so excited for today and I was about to start a fight.

"It's fine. What's done is done. Give me a sec." She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, as if she had a headache. She looked up and took a deep breath.

"And you," She looked in Michael's direction. She stepped up to him and grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him down to her height. She whispered something in his ear and he looked more and more nervous. After she let go, he looked scared for his life.

She was so damn awesome.

She came back to me, "You don't have to worry about that guy anymore. But what's up with him? Who stuck a stick up his ass?"

"Nooooo idea. He's—" I heard the coach's whistle. Time to go back inside. "I'll tell you later." I groaned. "Today has been a long day." I rested my head on her shoulder, not caring that we were not sweaty. I kind of felt bad for Alex, he got left behind with Michael. I felt bad for taking Rosie away but I think I deserved to be a little greedy at the moment.


Well, Michael got some attitude. But I promise he's not that bad. Fun fact: I wrote this while a cute little kitten was gnawing on my fingers and trying to eat my hair. This chapter was draining. Though I can't stay mad at the kitten.

Plzzzzz comment, vote, and share!

With love, Ashley.

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