Chapter 2: Stars

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I had precalc next, and to put it simply, I hate math. And the feeling is mutual. It was the hardest subject for me to pass. I used to be good at math too, until they added the alphabet. They, as in the evil alien sadists who invented it. I know math contributes to everything in the existence of ever like technology, medicine, and even music and art. But that still doesn't mean I like it.

I paid even less attention in this class, and by the end, I had at least doodled on about two whole pages. It wasn't as if there was anything important happening. In fact, class was very uneventful. It was like biology, but this teacher was like a stern robot; her voice was monotone, and she said a whole speech as if it was programmed into her brain.

The bell rang, and I burst out of the classroom. I had art next! I was never really great at academics, but the arts? That was my true passion. I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to be in the future, but I've always enjoyed music, art, and sports. Basically anything interactive, I guess.

When I walked into the classroom, the room was lined up with canvases. Not exactly what I expected, but it was art class. I sat on one of the stools that matched up with a canvas, and Rosie sat to my left. Alex sat beside Rosie. Hmm.

A woman walked up to the front of the classroom. "Hi class! I'm Mrs. Turner, but just call me Alice!" She walked around the room, gazing at all of us, like she was trying to remember our faces. She already looked and sounded like the coolest teacher I have ever met. She had pencils to hold her bun up, wide-framed glasses, and always seemed to have a paint brush in her hand.

"Class, today each one of you will paint a picture of whatever you want. It has to be appropriate, of course. Use the whole class period on this,p because at the end of class I'm going to come around and study each painting, and I'm going to grade you on technique, but mostly effort. Emphasis on effort. This is basically going to show me your individual skill levels, so I know what to teach you guys. There are already the proper amount of supplies at each station, but if you need anything, come to me. Now go ahead and paint!"

That was all I needed to hear.

I wasn't a pro or some amazingly talented artist, that was Rosie, and she didn't really draw anymore. She also refuses to be called extremely talented. At anything.

I was painting a sunset along a mountain range. I basically always draw sunsets, but I was trying to experiment with the paint a little, so I ended up with a really nice blend of colors. I finished with about fifteen minutes left of class. I looked over to see Rosie still painting, to see a sort of star.

I studied the drawing, it was shocking to see how much progress she could do in forty minutes. Knowing her, though, this was just the beginning of the painting, she wasn't near finished, even if it already looked perfect. Rosie painted a sort of flash of light, and it reminded me of a star. Go figure.

Rosie was obsessed with stars. She always doodles them in all of her papers, I'm not exaggerating. They were everywhere. I'd always wondered about it but it never seemed like too big of a deal.

"Delilah, very nice use of blending. It looks very nice!" Said Alice, snapping me out of my th,oughts. She stood beside me without me even noticing.

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Alice. I was playing around with some of the paint so I'm really glad it turned out well."

"You, young lady, are a true artist. True artists take risks." She smiled at me one more time, and walked over to Rosie and Alex. I almost forgot Alex was even there.

I turned my back a little trying to get a good view of what Alex had painted. I couldn't help it, my curiosity has no bounds.

One word to describe Alex's painting: Woah.

When I first saw Alex, I didn't really know what to make of him. I know, I know, don't judge a book by its cover and all that cheesy stuff, but I just can't help myself. I was pretty good at it, too; my intuition was pretty spot-on. But, I couldn't really tell with Alex.

He was also . . . charismatic? The way he talked to me was weird, and I know he wasn't serious, it was just a joke, but seriously, who does that? Usually, the guys I know would just say "Hey" or "'Sup". Everyone's different though. So, I guess a good word to describe him is friendly.

I originally thought he was a type of sporty person, which would explain the lean figure, but that was all I could guess about him, and I wasn't even quite sure. I never expected him to be an artist.

His painting was a woman from the neck-up, and it was from a side view. She was looking up at the night sky, dainty white stars were painted on. The whole painting was in black and white except for a red rose in the woman's black long hair. She was looking up, enjoying the view of the night sky and the thousands of stars in it. She looked so happy. She was smiling, and her features were soft, delicate.

I wanted to be happy like her.

The weird thing was, I had a feeling like I knew her. There was a strong sense of familiarity. I leaned closer, trying to get a better look. Rosie turned her head with an amused look. "You never change, do you? Curiosity did kill the cat, you know? Just walk up the few steps and ask to look at his painting."

I blushed. "You know what, I will. My back is hurting a little trying to turn it at this angle anyway." I stood up and walked to her other side, so I was between Alex and Rosie. When I looked back to the painting, it kind of reminded me of Rosie.

Oh my god.

It was Rosie.


Dun, dun duuuun! Cliffhanger!

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