three // every open eye

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--Courtney's P.O.V--

"Courtney, sweetheart, he's going to be okay. He's out of the shower and in bed now. You don't have to keep walking back and worth between our rooms and checking on him."

I sighed, plopping down onto Tyler and I's bed. "I know, I know. I worry a lot, but I just want him to be okay."

Tyler reached over, pulling my body against his. Warmth radiating from him. "I want him to be okay too, but every night it's the exact same thing. He wakes up screaming, you go and wake him up before getting him in the shower, then he goes back to bed. Nothing else happens."

I buried my face into my husband's shirt as he stroked my hair. "I know, Tyler, but what if tonight's different? What if something else does happen and I can't help him because I'm asleep?"

Tyler pulled me away from his chest only to put one finger under my chin and lift it up, forcing me to look at him. "Courtney, I fell in love with you because of your caring personality and I absolutely adore how much you love each one of our children, but I'm starting to worry about you. You keep yourself awake at night just because you're afraid that something's going to happen to them. I want you to understand that they're all safe in their rooms. Séverine's with Pierre, Bowser has Benji with him, and Koda and Candice have one another."

I knew Tyler was right. He was always right. Our kids always turned out okay when we all woke up in the morning, but Bowser's night terrors never failed to put me on edge and it was only because I remembered how I felt after I had one. I felt alone, afraid, and helpless. I never wanted Bowser to feel that way.

I never wanted Benji to be afraid when he woke up to his brother's screams or any of my other children for that matter. I also didn't want Benji to ever feel like he could never help his twin brother. Having support always made everything better in the long run.

"Tyler, I love you so much," I mumbled, resting my head once again against his chest as his arms tightened around my waist.

"You wouldn't be able to comprehend how much I love you," he responded. "It still blows my mind that we met in a mental hospital."

I scoffed. "Don't remind me. You were the only reason that the mental hospital was bearable. I hated almost everything else there."

Tyler chuckled. "Do I need to even bring up Mrs. Eva? I swear you and I wanted to kill her almost every day."

I pulled away from my husband and laid my body down on my side of the bed. Tyler followed suit, our noses almost touching as I spoke. "Her voice was so annoying and she was too happy."

He grinned. "I agree wholeheartedly."

He reached his hand out to stroke my hair out of my face and I sighed as his calloused fingers brushed against my cheek. "Go to sleep, sweetheart. I'm right here, watching over both you and our children. Everything will be alright."

I snuggled closer to Tyler, releasing a tired yawn as he rested his arm on my waist. "Goodnight, Tyler."

"Goodnight, Chocolate."

--Bowser's P.O.V--

"Have you ever thought about going back to school?"

Benji's question caught me off guard and almost made me drop Koda's leftover bowl of Lucky Charms all over the kitchen floor. "Why are you asking me that?"

Approaching Normal // third book in Dementophobia seriesWhere stories live. Discover now