Becoming one of us

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"Hey, Evelyn." Susan greeted her while walking down the stairs. "Slept well?"

"Yes, thank you." Susan smiled and went to prepare some coffee for herself and Robert. "I think I'm ready." Evelyn announced suddenly, Susan stopped and looked at her.

"You sure honey? You can't go back." 

"I know, I'm sure that this is the right time." Susan nodded and smiled, sitting on the couch, patting the spot next to her, inviting Evelyn to sit with her.

"Are you afraid?"

"Yes, terribly." Evelyn confessed and went pale. Susan put a hand on her back and stroked it.

"Don't be, it's not that bad. It hurts like hell but only for a few seconds before you pass out and when you wake up, we all will be there and everything will be okay."

"You remember the day Robert turned you?" Susan nodded and took a sip of her coffee. "How was it?"

"The best day in my life, honestly. It was scary but Robert made it as romantic as possible." She smiled, thinking back.


"You ready?" he asked and pulled her onto his lap. Candles were flickering and Robert stroked her face, trying to take all her fears away.

"Yes, but I'm so scared." she admitted and a tear fell down her cheek.

"Hey, hey." He grasped her chin with his thumb and forefinger, pushing her head up. He wiped all the tears away and stroked her cheek again. "Don't be scared. It will hurt, but only for a very short time and when you wake up, I'll be here." 

Susan nodded and Robert laid her down on the bed, hovering over her. He started to kiss her, trying to distract her, hoping she would start to calm down a bit but it didn't work. Robert smiled an looked at her. "Honey, you really need to relax, otherwise it will hurt so much more." He gave her a painful look and Susan gulped and nodded. Robert leaned in again, placing his lips on hers, pushing his tongue into her mouth while stroking her stomach, trying his best to relax her. He made his way down to her neck, kissing and sucking, while he was actually trying to find a good spot to bite her. He found a good spot a bit above her collar bone and spent some time kissing and sucking it, preparing her of what was going to follow. He licked the spot one final time, then he pushed his fangs into her throat. Susan moaned for the first second, then she started to scream when the pain hit her. Robert took her hands in his, stroking his thumb across her hands and started to drink her blood. Susan stopped screaming and passed out. He finished after a few minutes and looked at her. Now she would always look like this, forever. Robert smiled, incredibly proud of his wife. He settled down behind her, pulling her into his arms and waited for any sign that she was waking up.

After half an hour, Susan started to move and Robert sat up, pulling her into his lap, letting her head rest against is chest. He gently stroked her cheek and she slowly opened her eyes, her red ones meeting his dark brown ones.

"Hello, beautiful."  Robert leaned down and kissed her, showing her that it indeed felt different. Susan pulled back, surprised. "Amazing, isn't it? he smirked and she nodded. "Everything will feel different, especially the sex." She laughed and kissed him again, trying to get even more of him. "Jesus, I can't get enough of you. What is this?" Susan tried to lean in again but Robert stopped her, laughing. "That's normal. You feel everything more intense that humans do. We'll take care of this later." He winked and stood up, pulling her with him. "But now you need to drink something." Robert lead her to the kitchen counter, sat her down and gave her a glass full of blood. Susan looked a it disgusted and he laughed. "You will like it, I promise." She put the glass to her lips at took a sip, letting the metallic taste fill her mouth and she had to admit she liked it. Susan drank the rest of it quickly and Robert watched her like a hawk.

"How do you feel?"

"Good but still a bit dizzy." Robert nodded, came to her and took her hand.

"That's normal. Come with me, I want to show you something." Susan stood up and followed her husband, stopping on front of a mirror. "C'mere." He pulled her in front of him and put his hands around her stomach. "Look at you, so beautiful." She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was still Susan but different.  "Amazing, isn't it? You see yourself differently, right?" She nodded. "Tell me what you see."

"Well, me but it's so new. I feel different. My eyes..."

"Yeah, you still need more blood then your old color will return, don't worry."

"And it feels like I'm glowing, I feel more womanly and dangerous."

"Damn right." Robert murmured and turned her around. "Now we'll be together forever.


"Did your ever regret it?" asked Evelyn suddenly and brought Susan back to real life.

"Turning? No and I'm sure you won't. You're in pain and nearly dying, transformation is the best option." Susan smiled warmly, trying to take her fears away.

"I will never grow up." Evelyn said sadly.

"You're not a child anymore."

"Yeah, but I'll never be an adult like you are." Susan sighed, she was right.

"Same goes for your human life, you will die before you even reach the age of 18." The girl nodded. "You still sure?" She nodded again.

"Can you tell Robert for me?"

"Of course, darling." She stroked Evelyn's hair softly, then stood up and made her way to the stairs before she turned back to her. "Don't worry, you won't regret it. I promise, we're all here for you."

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