Like a mother

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Pulling Evelyn into her arms was the first thing Susan did.

"Oh my god!" she cried. "I was so worried about you! Please don't do this again!" Evelyn nodded, buring her head in Susan's shoulder and breathing her intoxicating scent in. "We really care about you." she said while stroking her hair.

"And I thought vampires have no feelings."

"Nonsense!" Susan hugged her even tighter and suddenly all what Evelyn wanted to do was cry. It was so long ago that somebody held her this close and cared for her like a mother. She squinted her eyes together and a tear slipped down her cheek. "What's wrong, honey?"

"It's's been so long since somebody cared for me."

"Oh sweetie." And now even Susan began to cry. "Don't worry, you're safe here. We'll always care for you." Robert stood behind them smiling. He cleared his throated and Evelyn and Susan turned around.

"Mitchell and Tom will visit us tonight." he announced.

"Oh, lovely." said Susan and wiped her eyes. "Tom is your age, Evelyn. You two will get along just fine."

"I don't think so." Evelyn murmured. "I'm a human, you all seem to forget that."

"We know, but he is really nice, don't worry." Robert said. "We'll have some dinner and talk, I haven't seen Mitchell for ages!"

"They're old school friends." Susan explained.

"Yeah, he set me up with this one." Robert said laughing and pointed to Susan. "He was my best mate, we always got in trouble."

"Oh yes." Susan laughed.

"One time, we covered the office of the principal in wrapping paper."

"Wow, cool." Evelyn said unimpressed.

"That's not all! We even smoked pot, you know?" said Robert, trying to sound cool.

"Drugs are not cool!"

"Yes Robert, drugs are not cool." repeated Susan.

"Ah, whatever! Well, the best thing was that he introduced me to my future missus." Susan nodded and Evelyn was really interested in the story how they became a couple.

"Rob, she might not want to hear our boring love story." Susan said softly.

"No, I want to know it! Please tell me."

"Okay. Mitchell and I had been at a party and all of sudden he introduced me to his hot best friend..." he looked over to Susan smirking. "And then we had sex."

"Robert! Don't lie!"

"Yeah, okay. Well, he introduced me to Susan and we talked all night, I gave her my number and the next day we went on a date."

"And then?"

"On the third date I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes."

"So you're together since high school?"


"Wow, that's a long time."

"Yeah and we got married in August 2005."

"Wow, that's nearly 45 years."

"I know."

"Wow and I thought that true love doesn't exist." Robert shook his head, then the door bell rang.

"That's him!" Robert said excited, jumped to the door and opened it with a loud "Hey, you idiot!" The other man stepped in and hugged Robert, then they did a complicated handshake.

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