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Evelyn was finally home again and felt better but Robert still haven't talked to her about becoming a Vampire even though time was running out. He joined Susan in the kitchen where she prepared dinner and glared at him.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Talk to her! We don't have much time left!"

"I know." he sighed. "I can't....she will kill me for even thinking about it."

"It is her only option and she needs to know. She can decide if she wants to or not." Now Robert glared at her.

"Decide? Oh no! You know what she is going to say. We'll talk to her and then we'll do it, end of story. We can't let her die because she is so stubborn!" Susan just shook her head and continued to cut vegetables.

"You don't understand her. Try to imagine being in her position. Having no one, being sick and living in a world full of vampires at such a young age." Robert said nothing and just stared at the vegetables.

"I'll talk to her right now!" Susan looked up, smiled and nodded her head.

"Call if you need help."

Robert slowly made his way up the stairs, thinking about things he could say to her. He knocked at her door and heard a faint "come in". Evelyn laid on her bed, listening to music and reading a book.

"I need to talk to you." Robert said seriously, turned the music off and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Evelyn, you know what's going on, right?"

"Yes, I'm dying." Robert nodded. "And there is nothing we can do." Now he shook is head.

"There is a way...." He looked Evelyn in the eyes.

"Oh no! Not over my dead body!"

"Evelyn, listen..." Robert tried to take her hand but Evelyn quickly snatched it away.

"I can't and you know that!" Evelyn screamed.

"But you will die! I can't let that happen!" He screamed back.

"Oh yeah? Transforming me was always your goal, wasn't it?"

"No! I want you to be safe!"

"You just want me and my friends for your stupid research! You don't even care for me!"

"I do! Can't you see? I'm trying evertyhing to keep you alive!"

"I rather die if transformation is the only thing that can help me!"

"Fine! If you want it! Die! I don't care!" Robert screamed, walked out the room and slammed the door. He ran down the stairs and searched for a bottle of Whiskey.

"That went well." Susan said sarcastically, now cooking some noodles.

"She is so stubborn!" He said angrily and finally found the Whiskey in one of the kitchen cabinets.

"Don't." Susan warned him. "You shouldn't drink when you're angry." Robert looked at the bottle and placed it back into the cabinet. He walked over to his wife and hugged her from behind.

"She will die if she refuses to become one of us."

"She will come around, give her some time. I bet she'll change her mind until tomorrow."

"You think so?"

Evelyn didn't come down for dinner, so Susan brought a plate of grilled vegetables, roast beef and noddles up to her room. Robert and Susan enjoyed their dinner in silence with a nice, big glass of red wine.

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