5 { Alone All Weekend }

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"Yeah, it's...fine," Olivia said again and went off to take orders from her tables.

After three of her tables paid, she felt a lot better. Her tables' orders were in, she didn't have to tend to her paid three tables anymore, and it was back to a more peaceful Friday.

She was refilling a water as she saw Brooklyn seating people at her newly clean table. She smiled at those sitting there, then grabbed her pad and pen.

She walked over, suddenly feeling apprehensive and nervous. But why was she nervous? She had no reason to be. She approached the group of younger people and smiled.

"Hey guys..." her demeanor to this table was much more relaxed, since it was all teenagers, plus a younger girl.

She took the orders of what they wanted to drink and went to get those glasses filled.


"Oh my god, I haven't been here in forever," Alexis said as they walked into the diner.

"Yeah, I used to come here all the time as a kid," Trevor told her.

They walked in, Becca standing with her older brother as he walked up to the hostesses. He saw Olivia taking to the two girls. Stress was evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but seriously," she ended with, running off.

The one hostess said something back, then turned to him.

"Hi, how many?"

"Six," Elliot told her, "and, could we have a table in Olivia's section?"

The looked at him, then at the other hostess. She stepped in.

"Yeah. Brooklyn, go clean off 11."


"Then ask her."

The first girl ran off, and he saw her talking to Olivia, who was carrying a tray of food. They exchanged a few words, Olivia looked up at him, then told the girl something else.

"We just have to clean off a table for you and we'll seat you," the hostess standing by him, said.

"Sounds good."

After a couple more minutes, she was taking the group to their table. Becca stayed next to her brother the entire time, since their father made Elliot take her with. She felt awkward. She didn't want to hang out with his friends all that much.

"Becca, wanna sit next to your smelly brother, or me?" Alexis asked.

Elliot rolled her eyes at her. Becca ended up sitting next to Alexis, however, which was funny.

Olivia walked up to them after they all laughed about Becca. She took their drink order and walked away.

"So how do you know her?" Trevor asked Elliot, all of his friends seeing that he watched her as she walked away.

"She goes to school with me," Elliot replied simply.

"But you live in Manhattan now."

Tennis Court (SVU Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora