A Chaotic Conspiracy part 1

Start from the beginning

When Leo, Aries and I got into his apartment yesterday, I snuck into his room to look for the plans, but instead, I found a small notebook, with his name on the front. After opening it and reading through the first pages, I noticed it was his diary, and I was hoping to find some deeper information about his stay here, or perhaps, his history.

But well, I could do that after I visited Libra.

While I opened the door and made my way into the hall, I finally found the day Scorpio moved in here. My feet stopped automatically – reading and walking were two different actions, needed to be done separately. I read as fast as possible, as my hands went through the pages and eventually, after a lot of written sarcasm and irony, I found the day he moved in here. I quickly skipped to the part things got interesting – at least, I hoped it was interesting. But well, it had to be, seeing how this place could impossibly not be.

"First notice of the residents was a very, very tiny girl – mind note, scratch that. The very, very tiny one was a dwarf. And, may I say, she wasn't very low tempered. In fact, the first thing she did was hit her supposedly hyper and annoying sister for knocking on my door, although I hoped the actual reason was for her existing at all."

He had to be talking about Aries and Gemini, I realized after reading the small bit. And it was now definitely confirmed he was on Leo's side – he even called Aries a Dwarf already.

"Roaming around the hallways appeared to be unfulfilling, until my peaceful silence was interrupted by two "trying-to-be-nice-but-failing-horribly" boys, and, as with the tiny dwarfs, one of them tried to introduce themselves as the other one just cracked up sarcastic comments and did an attempt to actually get somewhere. Of course, I cut them off right away, but before I could even get to telling them to leave me alone, father came home. After I excused myself – if I could even call it that – to dinner and followed him to our awful apartment, I silently cursed him for damaging my reputation; even if it was only slightly. Well, at least neither he or mum were called back to work. Not that I care, but –"

'Yes, interesting,' I muttered to myself and closed the book. I certainly didn't feel the need to hear – or, well, read – him whining about his relationship with his parents. Dropping by Libra was my main goal, I had to keep that in mind.

The door opened easily, and after I closed it I made my way over to Lib's room – while, of course, scolding at the mess Taurus had created everywhere – but I stopped in my tracks in front of his door and turned over to the door next to it. Every time I was over here, Taurus had been here too, so I never had the chance to check this properly – but now I had...

I didn't even hesitate when I opened his door and walked inside, as my gaze immediately averted to the hole in the wall. My eyebrows shot up; wow, it definitely had gotten a whole lot bigger since last time, when I saw it in Aries' room. But whom of the two would have made it bigger?

Only seconds later, I shrugged it off and turned back around. This didn't matter, at least, not right now. The whole discussion of who did what would come later, when the flat was safe again, when Scorpio was given his right and when everyone was alright again. When everything would just be normal again. I smiled to myself, not really knowing why, and I turned into the hall, this time actually going for Libra's room.

I opened the door, and screamed at what I saw the moment I walked in.

     Libra's pov

I could open my eyes.

That was the first thing I noticed when I woke up – and the fact that I'd woken up was the second thing I noticed. At first, I thought I was dreaming, until Taurus' voice cut right through this thought and everything came back. I couldn't exactly recall what had happened; it was kind of... vague. But well, I guess I didn't really want to remember what happened.

I decided it would be good to wait for Taurus to get out, so that I could get back on my legs – literally – by myself, calmly, with him and Sag around. So, after I was sure everyone was out, I stood up, which worked out quite good, and started walking around. It was a huge relief to be able to actually do things again, and all of a sudden, I realized multiple things: how I wasn't even tired, how I could feel my hunger again, and mainly how stupid I actually acted all this time. I'd been mean to Taurus and Sag, I told Virgo I didn't believe him even though he tried to help me, I had yelled at Aquarius...

And, just when I thinking about that, the door opened and she stood there. For a moment, she stared at me, then, she started screaming.

'C-Calm down,' I tried, while Aqua's screaming turned into a high squeaking and she covered her mouth with her hands. It took her couple of seconds to actually be able to say something.

'You're... you're awake!' she said, her eyes widened at the fact I wasn't a zombie anymore. 'Well, yeah,' I responded, and before she could ask me any questions about it, I added: 'But I don't really know how. I just, woke up this morning, that's all I know.'

'Thank gosh,' Aqua sighed in relief, and she sat down on my bed. 'I've been checking on you every day, to make sure you wouldn't drool away, or something like that. Taurus didn't seem to care much, so yeah...'

'No, Taurus doesn't really care about many things,' I admitted, and a couple of memories where Tau was being a very lazy ass immediately came to my mind, causing me to smile a bit. 'Speaking of him, where is he anyways?'

Aquarius didn't answer; her smile faded away and she turned her head to look at the floor. 'That's – that's a long story.'

'Good going, Taurus,' I mumbled to myself and sat down next to her. 'Can you summarize it?' 'Not really,' she answered, at which she looked up to me again. 'It kind of starts when the new boy came.'

'Wait; new boy?' I asked her. 'Have I been out for that long?' 'He arrived right after you broke down,' Aqua said. 'I would say it's ironic, but well...'

'Just tell me the story,' I stated, and after she nodded and changed her position on the bed, she started talking. It took long before we even got to the part where it turned out that the flat would be destroyed, and even longer before she could actually explain where everyone was. It slowly got clear to me of how this turned into a pretty serious situation – although...

'Seems like this Scorpio is a pretty good actor,' I muttered when Aqua finished the story, and I'd thought about what she had told me. 'So he told you guys this place would go down, but his father – who most likely made the decision – is nowhere to be seen? And you didn't even get a message about this situation?'

Aqua shook her head, and I sighed. 'Well, to me it looks like all of you got carried away in the moment and fell right for a lie. But if Scorpio actually left and went over to the town hall, that must indicate that there indeed is something that he has planned...'

'If it helps,' Aqua said, slightly hesitating, 'I have his diary right here. I didn't really have the time to look through it, but...' I smiled and took the small book from her hand, skipping over to the page Aqua said it got interesting. The first pages were mainly filled with whining about the people living here and much complaining about his parents, but then I found the page where he started writing about the plans. Aquarius waited patiently for me to finish reading, as the frown on my forehead only got bigger and bigger. When there were only blanc pages left, I closed the book and stood up, quickly turning to a worried-looking Aqua. She was frowning too, and I sighed softly, overthinking everything one more time, before I knew what to do.

'Lead me to the town hall.'

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