it doesn't matter

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Your pov

My boyfriend has told me to meet him in the sports hall at our school. He said "I'm gonna impress you (Y/N)". When the bell rung I jumped up and packed my stuff into my bag. I ran out the room and straight to the sports hall to see Jisung(my boyfriend) waiting for me at the door.
"Ah (Y/N) your Finnaly here."he said giving me a small peck on the lips.
"Hey class just ended. I can't be late." I pouted.
"I was joking. Don't pout." he siad. He then intwined out fingers and walked into the sports hall where Mark(his hyung)was sitting at a small table in the center of the room. Jisung then let go of my hand and sat down opposite Mark. 'Are they gonna arm wrestle??' I thought. And my thought was correct. Mark and Jisung then held hands and started to try and pin the others hand to the table. I watched in amazement. Jisung was actually winning. Them Mark got a burst of strength and pinned Jisung's arm to the table. I saw tears in Jisung's eyes.
"I asked you one simple thing Mark!"he began to cry.
"I just wanted to looks strong and manly like all the other hyungs..." he sobbed. I walked to him and held both of his hands. I looked straight I to his eyes and said "Jisung I don't care if your not strong or manly. I didn't just date you bc of your looks... Well you are cute but you have one of the greatest personalities o have even seen. I love you for you. Even if you were strong I would of still dated you. I really love you Jisung." I pecked his lips. He stood up and pulled me in for a hug.
"Thanks (Y/N). That really helped." he said smiling down at me. I went onto my tippie toes and pecked him. He held the kiss for longer than I expected. I ended up putting my arms around his neck. Then we heard "exuse me this is a gymnasium not a make out room!" we both turned to look at an annoyed P.E teacher and a bunch of jealous girls. I blushed a deep crimson. Jisung then dragged me out of the sports hall.
"That was fun." he said smiling. "We should do that more often." I nodded as a 'yes' and giggled.

Hey it's me. If you want to request then please do. This was requested by IlikeKPOPandJIMINIE

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