"Says you." He snorted, as you growled, and pushed his face away. "HOY!" He snapped, swatting your hand off, as you laughed, and nuzzled your face into the blanket.


"HOY! HURRY UP! WE GOTTA GET EVERYTHING INTO THE TRUCK!" Katsuki yelled at you as you carried three large boxes in your arms, waddling over to the door. You kicked the door open, stumbling over to the truck carrying the both of your stuff. You put down the boxes, wiping the sweat off of your forehead. You were finally done bringing your stuff out. Katsuki's mom and dad walked out of the house, to see Katsuki and you closing the back of the truck.

Katsuki's mom ran up to you, pulling you into a hug. "Don't you go getting hurt. There is a nurse there, so if you do, go straight there." She ordered to you, letting you go, and looking at Katsuki. "And if she doesn't," She started positively. "Then make her." She said darkly, quickly going back to her normal composure. Now that was scary.

She then turned to you with a big smile, and patted your shoulders. "Now, I don't believe he will have to do that." She sang, as Katsuki slammed the back of the truck shut, turning to you. "Well, I guess you must leave now." She hummed, as she pushed you to the seating area of the truck.

"T-Thank you so much for letting me stay with you guys, and everything you have done for me." You thanked, as you bowed to them. "I really appreciate it. Thank you for everything." You announced, bowing down as far as you could from where you were already bowing. You felt a warm hand make contact with your hair, as his mom messed it around.

"Just keep him in check. He is going to need it." His mother muttered to you, as the door closed. You turned to Katsuki, a smile on your face, as he clicked his tongue, looking out the window. The truck rumbled to life, beginning to move away from the place you knew so well. You opened your window, and stuck your upper body out, waving to his parents.

"GOODBYE!" You screeched, as they both laughed at your childish ways. You took out your phone and headphones from your bag, as you went to your favorite playlist. You turned on the first song, leaning over to Katsuki, while resting your head on his shoulder. You waited for him to say something, but he just stayed quiet. You smiled softly, warmth going to your face, as you nuzzled into his warmth.


"Get off my shoulder." Katsuki hissed as he pulled out one of your headphones. "We are here." He said as you pulled away from him, turning off the playlist, and shoving your phone in your pocket. You both opened your doors, as the man driving the truck opened the back of the truck, beginning to unload both of your stuff. You thanked him, as you turned to see the dorms. Your eyes lit up, seeing the massive building.

"WOAH!" You exclaim, running to the group that has already met in front of the door. You run into Eijirou as you smiled at him, and averted your attention to Aizawa, who went on saying a welcome speech. After he was done speaking, Katsuki walked over to Eijirou, who was still beside you. You were enveloped in a conversation with Uraraka about how cool it was that the girls could now always hang out.

Katsuki shoved a wad of money in Eijirou's face, as Eijirou thanked him for it. You were given your room, and Uraraka ran up to you, jumping up and down. "Y/N! WE ARE NEIGHBORS!" She cheered, grabbing your hands while jumping, as she used her quirk out of glee, and you began to fly up, swinging your arms wildly.

"YOU ACTIVATED YOUR QUIRK ON ME!" You screeched, grabbing onto her arms, as they reached towards you. She released her quirk, as you fell to the ground, face hitting the hard surface known as dirt. You stood up, dusting everything off, as she apologized. You smiled softly, and said that it was ok. You looked to see Katsuki beginning to move his stuff into the dorms, as you ran to your boxes, lifting them with your quirk, doing the same.

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now